HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 5 4 IN MEMORIAM Bruce Livingston Bramfitt, FASM, 81, died on March 4 in Bethlehem, Pa. He was born in Troy, N.Y., and grew up in Watervliet. He received three degrees inmetallurgical engineering (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) from the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (MSM). He taught part-time at MSM before embarking on a 48-year career at Bethlehem Steel’s Homer Research Laboratories. Bramfitt served eight years as a senior metallurgical consultant at the ArcelorMittal steel plant in Steelton, Pa., before retiring in 2014. He earned 11 patents, co-authored the ASM book “Metallog- rapher’s Guide: Practices and Procedures for Irons,” published over 70 technical papers, received numerous awards, and lectured domestically and internationally. Bramfitt also conducted met- allurgical investigations on a steel hull plate from the Titanic and a wrought iron plate from the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor. He was an active member of the ASM Lehigh Valley Chapter. John Copeland Matthews, 79, of Bethesda, Md., died on March 7 surrounded by his family after battling pancreatic cancer. At the time of his death, Matthews was CEO of Neocera LLC in Beltsville, Md., where he specialized in the failure analysis of electronic devices and integrated circuits. An entrepreneur with 35 years of experience serving the semiconductor industry, he launched Fusion Semiconductor Systems within Fusion Systems Corp. in 1979 to commercial- ize products based on a patented microwave-powered UV light technology. He also patented technology for stabilizing photoresist patterns leading to the successful development of a semi- conductor capital equipment business. Matthews first started as a member on Neocera’s board of directors in 2001 and became president and CEO in 2006. He was an inspiring and thoughtful leader and mentor to many in his company. Matthews was a member of ASM International and two of its affiliates, the Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society and the Failure Analysis Society. Raymond E. “Ray” Mintus passed away on March 27 in Warren, Ohio, at age 81. Mintus was born on December 1, 1937, in Warren and was a lifelong area resident. He attended the Uni- versity of Cincinnati School of Engineering, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering. After completing his degree, he went to work for WCI Steel Inc. in Warren and was a dedicated employee for over 35 years. Mintus, a lifetime member of ASM International, was also a member of the ASM Warren Chapter and the Association of Iron and Steel Engineers. Richard “Rick” Vinci, professor of materials science and engineering at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., died on March 13 at age 52, following a three-year journey with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. To honor his legacy, the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science at Lehigh renamed its annual teaching award as the Richard P. Vinci Award for Educational Excellence. Vinci received his undergraduate degree in materials science and engi- neering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his Master of Science and Ph.D., both in materials science and engineering, from Stanford. He began teaching at Lehigh in 1998, was promoted to associate professor in 2004, and served as director of the Mechanical Behavior Laboratory for 18 years. He published more than 90 technical papers, co-authored an engineer- ing textbook, and co-authored two U.S. patents. A few of his many awards include the ASM Inter- national Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers, the Outstanding Young Member Award from the ASM Lehigh Valley Chapter, and the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award. Vinci was co-advisor for the ASM Summer Materials Camp for high school students at Lehigh. He was featured in several PBS pro- ductions, including “NOVA: Secrets of the Samurai Sword” and “Treasures of the Earth: Metals,” and served as a consultant for other programs including the 2011 NOVA four-part series, “Making Stuff Stronger, Smaller, Smarter, Cleaner.” Bramfitt Matthews Mintus Vinci IN MEMORIAM
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