HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 5 1 IMAT 2020 Update A Failure Analysis Perspective Burak Akyuz The Failure Analysis Society (FAS) is very excited to be part of IMAT 2020, a new multidisciplinary materials and applications conference organized by ASM and its partners. The affiliate societies, such as FAS, were founded to meet specific technical interests and needs within the ASM membership. Bringing together the technical exper- tise from each affiliate, partner, and technical committee will make this new conference stand out and it soon will become the leading materials confer- ence. This collaboration opportunity with ASM and its part- ners is very exciting for FAS. Failure analysis is a key aspect of most industries and is used in the cause determination of component, system, and structure failures. Failure prevention also plays an essen- tial role in new product development. Failure analysts use numerous tools and techniques to determine root cause. It is always interesting and informative to attend presenta- tions on failure analysis, as they tend to be the highlight of many technical conferences. Failure analysis symposia usu- ally include case studies and tutorials focusing on investiga- tion and evaluation of failures related to many industries. The Failure Analysis Society is the newest affiliate soci- ety under the ASM International umbrella. Founded in 2016, FAS is dedicated to advancing the important role failure analysis plays in the materials science industry. We aim to promote safe, reliable products by studying the many ways failures occur and to educate the larger engineering, manu- facturing, and user communities regarding our findings. FAS emerged from the preexisting ASM Failure Analysis Commit- tee that has long offered failure analysis programming and content. FAS continues to provide collaboration, network- ing, and educational opportunities for materials science professionals. The FAS programming group includes over 50 profes- sionals who are leaders in their fields. FAS provides ses- sions on failures, their analysis, and investigations. The FAS sessions at IMAT will include tools and techniques, fatigue and fracture, environmentally assisted failures, and uncon- ventional failures. These sessions will also cover failures in specific fields such as aerospace and those industries deal- ing with process-related failures (such as lasers and shap- ing), specific components (such as boilers and vessels), processes (additive manufacturing, welding/joining), and nonmetallics. We look forward to the new IMAT 2020 conference and hope to see everyone in Cleveland next year. Akyuz EMERGING PROFESSIONALS Finding Meaning in ‘Trivial Tasks’ Emerging professionals are often assigned “trivial tasks” that may seem simple. Many of these assignments are meant to be learning opportunities, as recent gradu- ates have a lot to learn about industry and their new roles. The attitude with which these tasks are approached will be noted by coworkers and leaders. Challenges will also be encountered and the perseverance shown in overcoming them will make an impression. Trivial tasks may be as tedious as organizing metrology methods for measurement, or polishing numerous samples for optical microscopy. As these tasks are performed, try to learn more about the metrology equipment or understand the processing steps required for metallographic examina- tion. Having a positive attitude when assigned seemingly trivial tasks will show supervisors and coworkers a willing- ness to learn and be a team player. One of the most important aspects of performing triv- ial tasks as an emerging professional is to demonstrate the ability to overcome challenges. There may be an opportu- nity to work through a problem that has never been encoun- tered even though it may be as tedious as writing a “How To” manual for a simple laboratory practice. Trivial tasks may seem mindless and frustrating to complete. However, leaders will notice how the problem was solved and if the task is completed with quality and timeliness. Coworkers and leaders want emerging professionals to learn about their new roles, including the not-so-fun aspects. Mundane tasks are opportunities to learn. Even- tually, more complicated and intriguing projects will come along—but only if the trivial tasks are approached and com- pleted with an eagerness to learn, positive attitude, and vig- orous tenacity. IMAT 2020 UPDATE
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