HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 4 8 copy tools for accelerated materials discovery and develop- ment. The invention of ultrafast laser materials property microscopy by the Zhao-Cahill team was recognized as one of eight finalists for the 2018 Berthold Leibinger Innovations- preis, the highest remunerated prize dedicated to laser technology innovations. Zhao holds 48 U.S. patents and was the 2001 winner of the prestigious Hull Award from GE Global Research with a citation “for his leadership skills in advancing innovative, state-of-the-art development methodologies that aim to decrease cycle time for materials discovery while increas- ing robustness of the work. He also was recognized for his expertise and leadership regarding the critical nature of coatings and high temperature materials, and for his enor- mous energy and perseverance in solving real business challenges.” He is a Fellow of ASM International and the Materials Research Society. Zhao has contributed to ASM as associate editor for the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion for 17 years. He has also chaired the ASM Materials Properties Database Committee (2017-2019), and has been a member of the ASM Alloy Phase Diagram Committee for more than 20 years. ASM Nominations The ASM International Constitution provides that members of the Society may submit additional nomi- nations after the Nominating Committee has made its official report. Article V, Section 6, of the ASM Constitu- tion reads: “After publication of the Nominating Com- mittee’s report on nominees, and the Board report on its nominee for Treasurer, and at any time prior to July 15 of the same year, additional nominations for any or all of the vacancies may be made in writing to the Secretary at Headquarters. Such nominations must be signed by at least five individuals or Chapter Sustain- ing Members, each from any combination of at least 10 Chapters and/or ASM Committees. Such nominees shall be processed by the Secretary for compliance with Section 4 of this Article. This shall be the only way in which additional nominations may be made. The membership of ASM International shall be duly notified of such additional nominations.” Mahoney CEO CORNER The Power of Partnerships ASM’s 2016 Strategic Plan, which the Operations team is implementing through the 2017- 2019 ASM Renewal and its four key performance initiatives, called for improvements to collaborations. At the end of 2016, ASM listed over 90 collaborations, most of which were partnerships in name only. As the Renewal began, we signifi- cantly cut back on nominal collaborations and focused only on those that could improve market positioning and gener- ate incremental revenue for both partners. Two new collaborations that meet these market and revenue requirements have now been formed: MOUs are in place with Intelligent Manufacturing Systems along with its World Manufacturing Forum (IMS/WMF), and the Materials Research Society (MRS). The IMS/WMF relationship will closely connect ASM to the manufacturing community, which is particularly import- ant in view of the rapidly emerging triad of design, materi- als, andmanufacturing as a closed loop, concurrent process set. As a first step, ASM and IMS/WMF will host workshops and symposia at each other’s respective conferences and compensate each other based on participation levels. ASM will host a discussion on “Harnessing Materials Information for Manufacturing” on September 25 at the World Manu- facturing Forum 2019 in Italy. Next year, IMS/WMF will be a partner at IMAT2020. The MRS partnership with ASM will also begin with cooperation during each other’s conferences. The improved market position for both parties enabled by the collabora- tion will be a more balanced focus between research and applied materials. A participant-based reward structure is now in place between ASM and MRS for symposia delivered at each other’s conferences. MRS will also be a partner at IMAT2020. In addition to these new collaborations, we are con- tinuing to strengthen our existing core partnerships. Some of these partnerships and programs include: ASTM (Digi- tal Short Courses); AGMA (Heat Treat Conference); NACE (IMAT2020 and new corrosion products); MPIF (IMAT2020); Lincoln Electric (education); and Oak Ridge National Lab (data management). As additional collaborations are formed that meet the dual criteria of improving market position and generating revenue, we will keep you posted. William T. Mahoney, CEO, ASM International CEO CORNER
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