
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 4 7 Dr. Toni Marechaux, FASM Nominee for Trustee Dr. Toni Marechaux is an accom- plished technology policy strategist with extensive experience spanning basic research, technology develop- ment, management, and leadership. She currently serves as a senior ana- lyst to the Defense Science Board in the Department of Defense, where she studies new technologies and capabil- ities for defense missions. Previously, she has served as a science advisor to ZIN Technologies for space experiments and to DARPA in the area of novel mate- rials and manufacturing. Marechaux spent five years at the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. During her tenure, she directed more than 30 studies for the National Materials Advisory Board and the Board on Manufacturing and Engi- neering Design. Prior to the National Academies, Marechaux was a pro- grammanager in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renew- able Energy at the Department of Energy. She worked with industry to collaboratively develop vision and roadmap documents, managed research and development pro- grams, and tracked impacts of technology applications. She directed programs for the mining and extractive metallurgy industry, the concrete industry, and materials for the auto- motive industry. She was also a project manager at NASA, where she researched superalloys and refractory metals for space applications. In her first professional position, she supervised cold-rolled steel testers and inspectors at National Steel. In addition to serving in various capacities supporting professional societies in many areas of materials science, Marechaux has served as a judge for the XPRIZE Foundation, and has judged many science fairs, including the national Regeneron Science Talent Search. She graduated from the University of Illinois with a B.S. in metallurgical engineering and from Case Western Reserve University with a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering. Marechaux maintains an abiding interest in abolishing barriers to new technology applications and in engineering solutions for sustainable development. Dr. Priti Wanjara, FASM Nominee for Trustee Dr. Priti Wanjara is senior researcher and project man- ager at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). She earned her B. Eng (1993) and Ph.D. (1999) from McGill University in metallurgical and materials engineering. Prior to joining NRC Aerospace, she worked with IVACO Rolling Mills (1997-2002) as a product development metallurgist and was involved with dual phase steel processing research for cold heading quality wire rod applications. Since joining NRC Aerospace in 2002, she has closely managed multi- disciplinary research and technology development projects with industrial clients and academic collaborators on fusion and sol- id-state joining, forming, and additive manufacturing for fabrication and repair of advanced materials. Recognized internationally as a leading materials scientist in advanced manufacturing technologies, Wanjara is enabling the estab- lishment of innovative processing capabilities in Canada through industrialization of her research and technology developments. She is the author or co-author of more than 135 papers published in refereed journals or conference proceedings and 100 NRC reports. She is a Fellow of ASM International and CIM. Wanjara has received other honorable recogni- tions including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, ASM Silver Medal, and ASM Canada Council Brian Ives Lectureship, as well as the MetSoc Brimacombe Award and Distinguished Scientist Award from the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining. Dr. Ji-Cheng Zhao, FASM Nominee for Trustee Dr. Ji-Cheng (JC) Zhao will be- come the department chair of materi- als science and engineering (MSE) and a Minta Martin Professor at the Univer- sity of Maryland in July. He is currently a professor in the MSE department at The Ohio State University (OSU), having joined in 2008 after 12 years as a materials scientist and project/ team leader at GE Global Research in Schenectady, N.Y. In 2014, he took a leave from OSU to serve as program director at the Advanced Research Proj- ects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), returning to the university in fall 2017. His research is focused on high-throughput materials science methodologies, determination of phase diagrams and diffusion coefficients and other materials properties, computational thermodynamics, and design of advanced alloys and coatings. In addition to many materials inno- vations, he developed a diffusion-multiple approach and co-developed several associatedmaterials property micros- Wanjara Zhao Marechaux BOARD NOMINEES