A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 2 8 Experimental evidence of such a hierarchical γ - γ′ microstructure was complemented by 2D phase field mo- deling using the Multiphysics Ob- ject Oriented Simulation Environ- ment framework at INL. Larry Aagesen, lead scientist on phase field model- ing, explains, “The necessity to per- form long-term experiments to under- stand hierarchical microstructure can be avoided by cost and time-effective phase field modeling. This modeling method can accurately predict the evo- lution of hierarchical microstructures for any length of time if enough exper- imental inputs are provided.” Making use of complementary mi- croscopy and modeling methods was key to developing and understanding the formation of the new superalloy capable of withstanding extreme en- vironments. In the future, Meher says that further modeling studies will be done to better understand how the hi- erarchical microstructure is formed and remains stable. He adds, “We will also Larry Aagesen explains the hierarchical microstructure that is computationally generated by phase fieldmodeling. investigate the high temperature me- chanical properties impacted by hier- archical microstructure and compare them with that of commercial superal- loys.” ~AM&P For more information: SubhashishMe- her, staff scientist, Idaho National Lab- oratory, 2525 Fremont Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83402, 208.526.8960, subhashish. , References 1. D.K. Fork, et al., J. Solar Energy Engin., Vol 134(4), ASME, 2012. 2. S. Meher, et al., Science Advan- ces, Vol 4(11), sciadv.aao6051, 2018.
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