April AMP_Digital
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 1 9 8 METALS | POLYMERS | CERAMICS Teijin Limited, Japan, announces that its Tenax carbon fiber and carbon fiber thermoplastic unidi- rectional pre-impregnated tape, Tenax TPUD, were qualified by Boeing, Chicago, and registered in its qualified products list. Teijin will supply its Tenax TPUD as an intermediate advanced composite material for primary structural parts for Boeing and begin com- mercial shipments of the material to approved parts makers within the next two years. teijin.com , boeing.com . Triumph Group Inc., Berwyn, Pa., will sell its metallics machining opera- tions to NWI Holdings, Taiwan, an affiliate of TECT Aerospace and TECT Power. TECT Aerospace, Wichita, Kan., manufactures complex aerostruc- ture components, parts, and assemblies from traditional and aerospace alloys. TECT Power, Fort Mitchell, Ky., is a provider of complex rotating and structural airfoil components for turbine engines used in commercial aerospace, business jet, defense, and industrial markets. triumphgroup. com, tectaero.com . BRIEFS on the ability of 2D, carbon-based graphene and white graphene to bond with each other in a variety of ways, depending on their relative concentra- tions. Though graphene and white gra- phene naturally avoid water, combined nanosheets easily disperse in a slur- ry during the ceramic’s manufacture. The resulting ceramics, according to the team’s theoretical models, would become tunable semiconductors with enhanced elasticity, strength, and duc- tility. rice.edu . CAPTURING 3D ATOMIC- SCALE MEASUREMENTS IN RUST A deeper understanding of a broad range of processes is now possible due to a breakthrough in visualizing the re- activity of rust minerals when deprived of oxygen. Scientists at the DOE’s Pa- cific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, Wash., achieved sig- nificant progress in rust research using iron isotopes and atom probe tomogra- phy (APT). They were able to trace these so-called redox reactions to create the first 3D atomic maps of the rearrange- ment of different iron atoms in a small iron oxide crystal. The APT maps reveal a surprisingly dynamic iron cycle, show- ing the continual movement of iron on and off the mineral surfaces. The researchers say the results confirm that reactions with rust min- erals in soils and steel corrosion prod- ucts are more dynamic than originally thought. They illustrate how rust per- sists on metal pipes under changing Ceramics with networked nanosheets of graphene and white graphene would have the unique ability to alter their electrical properties when strained. Courtesy of Rouzbeh Shahsavari/Rice. SELF-SENSING CERAMIC COMPOSITE A research team from Rice Uni- versity, Houston, modeled a novel 2D compound that could improve the pro- perties of ceramics. Graphene-boron- nitride, or GBN, has shown promising qualities as a structural sensor due to its exhibition of different electrical pro- perties when under plastic and elastic strain. The discovery of a ceramic that becomes more electrically conductive under elastic strain and less conduc- tive under plastic strain could lead to a new generation of sensors embed- ded into structures like buildings, bridg- es, and aircraft able to monitor their own health. The researchers have now dis- covered that adding graphene makes ceramics even stronger and more ver- satile, along with their surprising elec- trical properties. This result is based
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