April AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 1 9 6 6 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS IN MEMORIAM KwakuMensah, visionary innovator, passed away at age 87 onOctober 8, 2018, in Portland, Oregon. He was born in Sunyani Ghana, West Africa, where he was recognized for his superior intelligence. In 1955, he received an engineering scholarship to Oregon State University. There, he met and married Gloria Knaupp, in one of Oregon’s first interracial marriages. When their per- manent relocation to Ghana was interrupted by political unrest, the couple returned to Oregon, where Mensah began a 25-year career as a metallurgist at Tektronix in Beaverton. His intense curiosity and visionary spirit led him to pursue a multitude of interests and business ventures in Asia and Africa, including metallurgical consulting. He remained a committed and passionate advocate for the concepts of freedom and emancipation of all African countries, particularly his beloved Ghana. tions to his name, including the ASM Emerging Professional Achievement Award, American Ceramic Society’s Future Leader, and the TMS Young Professional Award. In 2017, he was selected to participate in the U.S. Frontiers of Engineer- ing Symposium by the National Academy of Engineering. Schadler’s Team Receives NSF Grant Linda Schadler, FASM, dean of the College of Engineering and Math- ematical Sciences at the University of Vermont (UVM), is part of amulti-school team to receive a $5 million grant from the National Foundation’s Cyber-infra- structure for Sustained Scientific Inno- vationProgram. Thenationwide collab- oration, led by Duke University along with UVM and including researchers at Northwestern University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- tute, will collect data on nanocomposites during the five years of funding. The project will produce an organized, searchable, extensible repository on polymer nanocom- posites and structural materials, complete with a suite of analytical and predictive tools to aid the discovery of new materials. Schadler is a former ASM Trustee and currently serves on ASM’s International Materials Reviews Committee. Totten Honored by STLE The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) has named George Totten, FASM, of G.E. Totten & Associates LLC, the recipient of the 2019 STLE International Award. Established in 1948, it is the Society’s highest technical honor and bestows lifetime honorary membership on the awardee. The presentation will be made during the President’s Lun- cheon on May 21 as part of the 74th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Nashville, Tenn. Totten has received numer- ous awards including the ASM/HTS George H. Bodeen Heat Treating Achievement Award (2007). He is a Lifetime Mem- ber of ASM, and a member of the ASM Puget Sound Chap- ter, the Heat Treating Society, and Failure Analysis Society. A longtime contributor to ASM publications, Totten is editor of the latest revision of ASM Handbook, Volume 18, Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology. Hwang Joins DOD Board Jennie S. Hwang, FASM, was appointed Chairman of the Board on Assessment of U.S. Army Centers, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The pri- mary focus of the Board is to assess the operational efficiency includ- ing planning, facilities, equipment, human resources, and the merits of the technological programs in the near, medium, and far-term for research, development, and engineering centers headquartered across the country. The assessment will be briefed to the Congressional offices and selected DOD offices. Hwang is CEO and principal of H-Technologies Group in Cleveland. Beals Appointed Chair of ACRC Randy Beals, a global engineering specialist for Magna International, Troy, Mich., has been appointed chair of the board at the Advanced Casting Research Center (ACRC) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). During his 25-year career, Beals has held leader- ship positions in the automotive and aerospace foundry sectors. He was also the recipient of the 2018 Magna Cosma Inspiring Innovator Award for his research in the area of aluminum casting processing. Beals’ appoint- ment began in January 2019 and runs for two years. He suc- ceeds Kevin Anderson, FASM, of Mercury Marine. Schadler Totten Hwang Beals