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HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 1 9 6 1 EMERGING PROFESSIONALS tries—experts who may not regularly attend Heat Treat conferences—who have process and materials challenges that can benefit from a conversation with (or a presentation from) a skilled heat treater. It is an exciting time to be part of ASM and the Heat Treating Society. We look forward to seeing you at IMAT 2020 and hearing about all of the successful collaborations that grow from this and future IMAT events. International Metallographic Contest at MS&T Deadline: September 18 The International Metallographic Contest (IMC), an annual contest cosponsored by the International Metallo- graphic Society (IMS) and ASM International to advance the science of microstructural analysis, will again be held at MS&T in Portland, Ore., September 29 – October 3. Five dif- ferent classes of competition cover all fields of optical and electron microscopy: Class 1: Light Microscopy—All Materials Class 2: Electron Microscopy—All Materials Class 3 : Student Entries—All Materials (Undergraduate Students Only) Class 4: Artistic Microscopy (Color)—All Materials Class 5: Artistic Microscopy (Black & White)—All Materials Best-In-Show receives the most prestigious award available in the field of metallography, the Jacquet-Lucas Award, which includes a cash prize of $3000. For a complete description of the rules, tips for creating a winning entry, and judging guidelines, visit metallography.net . IMC 2017 Jacquet-Lucas winning poster by Elvin Beach et al. fromWorthington Industries Inc. Seeking Nominations for Thermal Spray Hall of Fame The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame, established in 1993 by the ASM Thermal Spray Society, recognizes and honors out- standing leaders who have made significant contributions to the science, technology, practice, education, manage- ment, and advancement of thermal spray. For a copy of the rules, nomination form, and list of previous recipients, vis- it tss.asminternational.org/web/tss/membership/society- awards or contact maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org. Nominations are due September 30. EMERGING PROFESSIONALS The Precarious Tale of the Emerging Professional No longer a student, yet not quite a seasoned profes- sional—this is the case of the emerging professional. The ambiguity that comes with a new career can be daunting. Most graduates emerge from the academic world primed with materials knowledge about how to engineer solu- tions to festering problems throughout society. However, when entering the working world, the realization of how much more there is to learn begins to sink in. In addition, entry-level employees are sometimes tasked with work that appears to be trivial. This is the precarious tale of the emerging professional. Providing support, resources, and networking, the Emerging Professionals Committee (EPC) is here to assist those in this transitory stage of life. Through future articles in this column, the EPC will provide tips and pointers on how to develop necessary soft skills not usually taught in academic classes, varied career paths that are available to those within the materials field, and personal stories from those who have been there or are currently working their way through this perplexing time. It is our hope that more early careerists will join us on this road of discovery. We look forward to providing many emerging professionals with content to help navigate the tricky waters of a brand new career.
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