February AMP_Digital

FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 9 5 6 ASM HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NAMES COMMITTEE CHAIRS FOR 2018-2019 TERM The ASM Heat Treating Society (HTS) board appoint- ed chairs to each of its committees for the 2018-2019 term. James P. Oakes, VP business development, Super Systems Inc., continues to serve as president of HTS. Stephen G. Kowalski, president, Kowalski Heat Treating Co., continues to serve as HTS immediate past president and treasurer, as well as chair of the HTS Awards & Nominations and the HTS Finance Committees. Mohammed Maniruzzaman, engi- neering specialist, Caterpillar Inc., was named chair of the HTS Education Subcommittee. Michael A. Pershing, senior technical steward, Caterpillar Inc., continues as chair of the HTSResearch&Development Committee. Lesley Frame, as- sistant professor, Universityof Connecticut, was namedchair of the HTS Technology & Programming Committee. JoAnne Bruning, sales manager, Bodycote, continues as chair of the HTSMembershipSubcommittee. RobertMadeira, vice pres- ident of HT, Inductotherm Group, and Benjamin Bernard, vice president, global sales, Surface Combustion Inc., con- tinue to serve as chair and co-chair, respectively, of the HTS Exposition Subcommittee. If you are interested in serving on an HTS committee, contact the respective committee chair or email maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org. H T EATING SOCIETY NEWS 4 Oakes HTS HONORS PRIME CONTRIBUTORS In 2017, ASM’s Heat Treating Society R&D Committee established anewrecognition for thebest papers in the heat treating industry each year. To be considered for the ASM Heat Treating Society Prime Con- tributor recognition, papers must appear in either the HTPro quarterly newsletter or be published in ASM’s Heat Treat conference proceedings. All manuscripts from industrial companies (not universities or national labs) are automatically considered on an annual basis. Papers are judged on several criteria, including production readiness, breadth of potential appli- cations, and writing clarity, among other factors. The aim of the honor is twofold—to recognize out- standing industry-focused manuscripts and to encourage submission to both HTPro and the Heat Treat conference, which takes place every other year. During years without the Heat Treat conference, other ASM heat treating conference proceedings will be considered. Winners for 2018 include the following authors and their companies, with both papers published in full in the 2018 Thermal Processing in Motion Conference Proceedings: • Volker Heuer and Gunther Schmitt of ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH, for their paper, “Digital Quality Control of Thermochemical Processes—Industry 4.0.” • Jim McAllister of SGL Group‒The Carbon Company, St. Marys, Pa., for his paper, “New C/C Info and Performance in Oil Quenching.” Winners receive a plaque and a digital logo for use in promoting their awards. For more information, contact Frances Richards at frances.richards@asminternational.org . SOLICITING PAPERS FOR ASM HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING CONTEST The ASM HTS/Bodycote award was established by HTS in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a sub- stantial way, or represents a clear advancement in manag- ing the business of heat treating. The award is endowed by Bodycote Thermal Process-North America. The contest is open to all students, in full-time or part- time education, at universities (or their equivalent), or col- leges. The winner receives a plaque and check for $2500. To view rules for eligibility and paper submission, visit hts. asminternational.org, Membership & Networking, and Soci- ety Awards. Paper submission deadline is March 15. Sub- missions should be sent to Mary Anne Jerson at maryanne. jerson@asminternational.org . Kowalski Maniruzzaman Pershing Frame Bruning Madeira Bernard