January AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 3 7 MS&T18 Breakout discussion on five-year career plans at the ASMWomen in Materials Engineering breakfast. Amber Black, a 2018 Bronze Medal winner, enters the banquet hall with other awardees. Guests applaud during the ASM Awards Dinner, held at the Hyatt in Columbus, Ohio, last October. Prof. Susmita Bose, newly minted as a FASM, receives her certificate from Fred Schmidt, FASM. Three members of the 2018 Class of Fellows, Linruo Zhao, Christopher Wolverton, and Mark Tschopp at the head table during the Awards Dinner. Michael R. Mitchell, a member of the 2018 Class of Fellows, relaxes after the Awards Dinner. The 2018 Gold Medal is presented to Steven Zinkle, FASM, by Fred Schmidt, FASM. Kishor M. Kulkarni, FASM, receives the George A. Roberts Award fromDiran Apelian, FASM, and Aziz Asphahani, FASM.