January AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 3 3 Dr. Jeffrey Hawk, FASM, materials research engineer, U.S. Department of Energy, continues as chair of the Con- tent Committee. Prof. Diana Lados, FASM, professor, Worcester Poly- technic Institute, was appointed chair of the Awards Policy Committee. Dr. Dana Medlin, FASM, senior managing consultant, EAG Laboratories Inc., continues as chair of the Education Committee. Dr. Tatsuki Ohji, FASM, fellow, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science andTechnology, was appointed chair of the Journal of Materials Engineering and Perfor- mance Committee. Dr. Matthew Perricone, principal investigator and manager of Technical Consulting Services, RJ Lee Group, was appointed chair of the Membership Committee. Mr. Hank Phelps, senior staff M&P engineer, Lockheed Martin, was appointed chair of the AeroMat Organizing Committee. Mr. Luc Pouliot, vice president, Business Development and Innovation, Tecnar Automation Ltd., was appointed co- chair of the IMAT 2020 Conference and Exhibition Committee. Dr. Ronald H. Radzilowski, FASM, principal research engineer, AK Steel Corp., continues as chair of the Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee. Mr. Ben Rasmussen, engineering manager, Caterpillar Inc., was appointed chair of the Volunteerism Committee. Dr. Mark F. Smith, FASM, deputy director, Materials Science and Engineering Center, Sandia National Laborato- ries, continues as chair of the Investment & ASM Materials Education Foundation Investment Committee. Mr. V.L. Sridharan, CEO, Serino Flow Control LLP, con- tinues as chair of the India Council. Mr. Tim Steber, regional sales manager, Solar Atmo- spheres Inc., was appointed chair of the Chapter Council. Dr. Andrzej Wojcieszynski, FASM, senior principal engineer, Allegheny Technologies Inc., was appointed chair of the ASM MS&T Programming Committee. Dr. Dehua Yang, FASM, president, Ebatco, was ap- pointed chair of the Technical Books Committee. Prof. Ji-Cheng Zhao, FASM, professor, The Ohio State University, continues as chair of the Materials Property Database Committee. Phelps Pouliot Radzilowski Rasmussen Sridharan Steber Wojcieszynski Yang Zhao Smith COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL CHAIRS Lados Medlin Ohji Perricone Hawk