January AMP_Digital

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 3 0 manufacturing consequences, auto- makers decided to only introduce the new practice with model changeovers or new model introductions. Ford had been the leader in devel- oping the technology for high-volume closure panels in the U.S. But weight savings is a team sport, and the beau- ty of aluminum closures is that they are bolt-on parts—easy to add if needed, and equally easy to remove when more cost-effective options become avail- able. In the end, the aluminum hood and trunk lids of the Crown Victoria/ Grand Marquis twins were replaced by steel within three years. The aluminum trunk lids of the Taurus and Sable went the same way at the next model change (Fig. 10). As some of Ford’s aluminum vol- ume retreated, other manufacturers had finally started to adopt it. By 1997, 2. S.J. Murtha, US Patent No. 5,525, 196, Corrosion Resistant Rolled Alu- minum Alloy Sheet, June 11, 1996. 3. R.G. Kamat, et al., Alloy 6022-T4E29 for Automotive Sheet Applications, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 396-402 , p 1591-1596, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2002. 4. J.D. Bryant, H. Yoshida, and H. Uchida, US Patent No. 5,718,780, Pro- cess and Apparatus to Enhance the Paintbake Response and Aging Stability of Aluminum Sheet Materials and Product Therefrom, February 17, 1998. References for Pre-aging History 1. J.D. Bryant, Bryant Metallurgical and IP Consulting Services LLC. 2. E. Usui, Kobe Steel, Al and Cu divi- sion (retired). 3. R.G. Kamat, Novelis Global Re- search and Technology Center, Kenne- saw, Ga. Reference for Blanking History 1. Laura Anderson, CEO, Aluminum Blanking Company. Reference for Al Slivers during Blanking 1. D. Daniel, et al., Development of 6xxx Alloy Aluminum Sheet for Auto- body Outer Panels: Bake Hardening, Formability and Trimming Perfor- mance, SAE Technical Publication 1999-01-3195, 1999 IBEC Proceedings, Detroit. Reference for Scrap Handling History 1. Robert S. Sherrod, President/CEO, Compass Systems LLC. Fig. 10 — Aluminum ABS in the U.S. fleet by region of origin. Courtesy of Light Metal Consultants. GM had begun to move away from plastic skins and aluminum was mak- ing a comeback. Chrysler’s first alumi- num hood was in production. And in Europe, aluminum hoods were grow- ing more common on larger BMW and Mercedes-Benz models. Aluminum ABS was finally entering a period of steady growth. ~AM&P For more information: Laurent Chap- puis, president, Light Metal Consultants LLC, 8600 Church Rd., Grosse Ile, MI, 48138, lbchappuis@icloud.com. Selected References 1. S.J. Murtha, J.M. Story, et al., Per- formance of X6022-T4 Aluminum Al- loys for Internal and External Auto- motive Sheet Applications, Interna- tional Body Engineering Conference, 1996.