November/December AMP_Digital

iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 3 7 iTSSe TSS 3 SOCIETY NEWS TSS ANNOUNCES NEW BOARD MEMBERS The ASM Thermal Spray Society recently elected officers and board members. André McDonald, University of Alberta, succeeds as president of TSS, while Doug Puerta, chief exec- utive officer, Stack Metallurgical Group, remains on the board as immediate past president. William Lenling, FASM, found- er and chief technical officer, Thermal Spray Technologies Inc., is elected vice president. Officers serve a two-year term beginning in fall 2018. Eric Irissou, team leader, National Research Council Canada, and Julio Villafuerte, corporate technology strate- ASM THERMAL SPRAY SOCIETY BOARD SEEKS NOMINATIONS The ASM TSS Awards & Nominations Committee is cur- rently seeking nominations to fill two board member posi- tions. Candidates for these director positionsmay be fromany segment of the thermal spray community. Nominees must be a member of the ASM Thermal Spray Society and must be en- dorsed by five TSS members. Board members whose terms are expiring may be eligible for nomination and possible re- election on an equal basis with any other nominee. Nomina- tions must be received no later than February 1, 2019. Forms can be found at For more informa- tion, contact Doug Puerta, ASM TSS Awards & Nominations Committee chair, at . McDonald Puerta Lenling Irissou Villafuerte McKechnie Hayden Nascimento Rad gist, Centerline Windsor Ltd., were reappointed to the board for a second three-year term. TimothyMcKechnie, president, Plasma Processes LLC, was appointed to a three-year term. Dan Hayden, president, Hayden Corp., continues on the board and will serve as secretary/treasurer. Alexandre Nascimento, Concordia University, was re- appointed as a student board member, and Milad Rezvani Rad, University of Alberta, was appointed as a student board member. Both will serve one-year terms. SOLICITING TSS STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS The ASM Thermal Spray Society is seeking applicants for the two student board member positions. Nominations are due by April 1, 2019. Students must be a registered un- dergraduate or graduate during the 2019-2020 academic year andmust be studying or involved in research in an area close- ly related to thermal spray technology. For more information on eligibility and benefits, visit .