November/December AMP_Digital

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 2 9 *Member of ASM International PERSPECTIVE INTELLIGENCE TEAMING: SUPER EXCITING, ULTRACOMPETITIVE Synergistic performance can be achieved by integrating judgment-focused humans and prediction-focused AI agents. Jennie S. Hwang, FASM* H-Technologies Group, New York S wimming in the enormous volume of information and data—wheth- er clean or dirty—is a challenge. An even greater challenge is the increased complexity that will occur as this volume continues to grow. Will we miss some of the guiding information and useful data that could be used to our advantage? Will this overwhelming volume reach an unmanageable level? And how will we leverage technology to make this data manageable and usable, and to gain a competitive edge in a timely fashion? Today, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have be- come everyday terms, although the present reality and future potential are not fully developed. On one hand, there is excitement about the evolving ca- pabilities that promise to improve our lives, businesses, and security. On the other hand, trepidation exists about unknown or unintended consequences. AI APPLICATIONS AI is expected to process data through machine learning by analyzing information, creating a model, and ulti- mately making decisions based on that data. AI is also expected to not only cre- ate a model based on learning, but to modify that model based on new data. It should be a system that is driven by data while offering the ability to learn and react based on a generalized strat- egy for learning by using algorithmic models. By doing so, new insights can be generated without relying on rules- based computing programs. The ability to incessantly chew through any amount of data and un- limited combinations of variables—and then parse that data, capture knowl- edge, and make a deterministic or pre- dictive model—gives ML the ability to surpass human capacity. Without be- ing constrained by preset statistical assumptions, ML can surpass human analysis to make predictions with high- er degrees of accuracy. As a result, whenever there are too many potential combinations and too much complex- ity, ML can be a potent tool. Further, a comprehensive AI system can facili- tate decision-making and process au- tomation, whether it emulates human performance or replaces humans for the execution of routine and non-rou- tine tasks. Another benefit is that machines can work 24/7, free of time zones and independent of geographical territo- ries when running data collection, ag- gregation, and algorithms, enabling AI progress and important breakthroughs.