October AMP_Digital

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 8 2 9 During the course of the current DOE-NETL REE program, over 4000 samples will have been acquired across the U.S. and characterized not only in terms of their REE content, but also ad- ditional elements such as Al, Si, Fe, and Ti. These data will be made publicly available on NETL’s EDX database [8] . DOE-NETL’s REE program has demonstrated the technical feasibili- ty of extracting REEs from coal-based materials. During FY2018, the program has moved into bench- and pilot-scale materials processing. Technology and engineering scale-up challenges and opportunities will be addressed, as well as the economic feasibility for contin- uous REE recovery system operation. ~AM&P For more information: Mary Anne Al- vin, Technology Manager, National Energy Technology Laboratory, 626 Co- chrans Mill Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15236- 0940, 412.386.5498, maryanne.alvin@ netl.doe.gov . Acknowledgments Acknowledgments are extended to DOE-FE personnel, external stakehold- ers who were previously involved and those currently participating on DOE- NETL REE projects, federal project managers at NETL’s Technology Devel- opment and Integration Center, and to NETL’s Research and Innovation Center scientists and engineers. References 1. United States Department of Energy Report to Congress. Report on Rare Earth Elements from Coal and Coal Byproducts, 2017. https://www. energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2018/01/ f47/EXEC-2014-000442%20-%20for%20 Conrad%20Regis%202.2.17.pdf 2. United States Congress. Congres- sional Record. Explanatory Statement Submitted by Mr. Rogers of Kentucky, Chairman of The House Committee on Appropriations Regarding the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment on H.R. 3547, Consolidated Appropri- ations Act, 2014. https://www.congress. gov/congressional-record/2014/1/15/ house-section/article/H475-2. 3. United States Congress. Congres- sional Record. Proceedings and De- bates of the 113th Congress, Second Session, No. 151-Book II, 2014. https:// www.congress.gov/crec/2014/12/11/ CREC-2014-12-11-pt2-PgH9307.pdf 4. United States Congress. H.R. Report 114-91. Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, 2016. https://www. congress.gov/114/crpt/hrpt91/CRPT- 114hrpt91.pdf 5. United States Congress. Public Law 115-31. H.R.244 - Consolidated Appro- priations Act, 2017. https://www. congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/ house-bill/244/text. 6. United States Congress. Public Law 115-141. H.R.1625 - Consolidated Ap- propriations Act, 2018. https://www. congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/ house-bill/1625/text. 7. National Energy Technology Lab- oratory, Rare Earth Elements 2018 REE Project Portfolio. http://www.netl. doe.gov/research/coal/rare-earth- elements/. 8. EDX, NETL’s Energy Data eXchange, 2018. https://edx.netl.doe.gov/ree/.