September AMP_Digital
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 7 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Ravindran Visits ASM Chapters in India ASM Past President Ravi Ravindran, FASM, recently vis- ited the ASM New Delhi Chapter, ASM Chennai Chapter, and the ASM India Chapter for interactive town hall meetings and dynamic discussions of the India Task Force Report. These meetings are part of an ongoing dialogue with the stakeholders of the ASM plan for improving membership, chapters, and student engagement, and also enhancing overall service to the materials community in India. Minnesota Holds 12th Student Camp Ravindran met with the executives of the newest ASM Chapter in India, the New Delhi Chapter, on June 7. From left: Ajay Tiwari, P.K. Pankaj, Anil Kumar, N. Poojari, Ravi Ravindran, Sanjay Jain, K.K. Dixit, Arun Kapoor, and Jaisimha Pai. Visiting the Chennai Chapter at the Hotel JP on June 16, Ravindran met with several participants. From left: Srinivasa Rao Bakshi, V.P. Parthasarathi, Prof. Kamaraj, V.L. Sridharan, Ravi Ravindran, Sankar Subbarathinam, T. Sundararajan, N. Sampathkumar, and R.J. Venkatesh. The third leg of Ravindran’s trip was a meeting at the office of the ASM India Chapter on June 25. Chapter leaders, from left: Jayesh Mukadam, A.K. Tiwari, V.R. Altekar, R.K. Mujumdar, H.M. Mehta, Ravi Ravindran, S.S. Sabnis, Sudhakar Bonde, Prem Aurora, and Yatin Shah. Mentors along with the 2018 graduating class of the Minnesota Student Camp capture the excitement of the Chapter’s 12th annual high school materials camp in June. Nitinol samples used in hands-on experiments were supplied by Fort Wayne Metals. CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Coming Soon: Virtual Career Fair ASM is co-sponsoring an online career fair, ideal for both job seekers and employers. The event will be held on September 20. The Engineering & Science Career Network Online Career Fair offers job seekers and employers the chance to connect—with zero travel involved. View registra- tion details and employer pricing options by visiting http:// The event is free for job seekers.
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