September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 5 ASM CHAPTER HONOR ROLL He completes monthly reports and submits annual reports to ASM headquarters. Geisler has held all of the executive positions over the years. His 56 years of service has benefit- ted the Society immensely. Fort Wayne Chapter Leigh Chen is nominated for his strong leadership in motivating Chapter members, initiating various activities, and expanding outreach to other chapters. Mort Schaffer is recognized for devoting his time and effort to high school Teachers Materials Camps for several years. David Snice is nominated for his constant service to the Fort Wayne Chap- ter for more than seven years, previously as treasurer and currently as vice chair. Houston Chapter Ken Heil is the treasurer for the Houston Chapter and has accomplished the job with discipline and effectiveness. In addition to maintaining financial details for all Chapter events, he initiates new executive committee members and trains subcommittees to be accountable to their budgets. He also volunteered to serve as webmaster, helping the Chapter realize significant savings. Heil brings energy and a sense of responsibility to his role. North Texas Chapter Arun Kumar has served as the North Texas Chapter chair since 2012. He organizes most of the monthly techni- cal meetings and tours including the yearly North Texas ASM Chapter Inter-University Materials Science and Engineering Symposium. During this meeting, college students present research papers and the Chapter awards scholarshipmoney to the first, second, and third place winners. Ontario Chapter (GTA) Casey Julich-Trojan is a passionate and dedicated volunteer for the ASM Ontario Chapter. The executive team downsized this year, but she stepped up to help provide members with a successful event season. This is her second year as vice chair and she has done a fantastic job organizing local and international speakers, as well as coming up with ideas for less conventional events such as glassblowing. Danielle DeRango is in her first year on the Ontario Chapter’s executive team, serving as communications offi- cer. She creates engaging emails andwrite-ups for the Chap- ter’s monthly events. She also serves as the ASM Ontario graduate school representative for McMaster University to help attract more teachers and fellow students. DeRango does an excellent job of increasing ASM awareness at the school and bringing new faces to Chapter events. Orange Coast Chapter Janin Kardokus championed the first ever Student Materials Camp for the Orange Coast Chapter. Ottawa Valley Chapter Qi Yang has been serving the Ottawa Valley Chapter in various capacities for many years. He is enthusiastic, ener- getic, and effective in organizing chapter technical meet- ings, fundraising, and interactions with university/college students. His contributions have made a significant impact on the continuing success of the Chapter. Philadelphia Chapter Tim Steber has held several committee chair posi- tions for the ASM Philadelphia Chapter through the years, including director and all other executive chair positions leading up to becoming the 2008-2009 Chapter chair. He has attended and supported ASM Leadership Days for years and is currently the region’s Chapter Council. In addition, Ste- ber has accepted the responsibility of becoming the chair of Chapter Council for ASM nationally. Puget Sound Chapter Mary Davis has been a stalwart member of the Puget Sound Chapter for more than 20 years. She joined the Chapter board in 1999, quickly moved to secretary, and progressed through to vice chair and chair. For the past 12 years, Davis has been the Chapter treasurer and main events coordinator. She does an outstanding job and excels at ensuring the Chapter’s financial viability. San Diego Chapter Robert Klug is a constant source of energy and enthu- siasm. Past positions he has held in the San Diego Chapter include chair and vice chair. In his current role as Chapter secretary, Klug sends out newsletters and event reminders to Chapter members. In addition, he is involved in organiz- ing and planning monthly meetings, community outreach initiatives, and educational events. Klug’s commitment is unwavering and inspiring. Warren Chapter Richard James Polenick has held the official title of Chapter secretary for 25-plus years, but he is also Mr. Every- thing ASM. If not for him, the Chapter likely would have folded years ago. He negotiates meeting locations, finds speakers, emcees the meetings, organizes supporting func- tions, completes Chapter reports, and frequently attends Leadership Days. The executive committee hopes Polenick will continue his volunteering tradition for many years. West Michigan Chapter Debbie Aliya is much more than an integral part of the Chapter. She works hard to make sure the meeting venue is ready, speaker biography is submitted, flyer is created and ready for distribution, social sponsor is secured, and many more tasks too numerous to count. The Chapter chair relies on her a great deal. Without Aliya’s efforts, the Chapter would not be in its current healthy position.