September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 4 Akron Chapter Robert Shemenski, FASM, an integral part of the Akron Chapter, has served on the ASM executive committee as education chair. A 68-year member of ASM, Shemenski has procured funding for Teacher Camps for 11 years. He raised additional funds by teaching an ASM-based course in “Practical Metallurgy” locally. He also has been a speaker at chapter meetings and a judge at the Western Reserve Regional Science Fair. Albuquerque Chapter Deidre Hirschfeld worked diligently to sort out the abandoned account for a regional conference, which was historically managed by a group of professional societies. This required working with various banks, understanding IRS regulations, and gathering information from those pre- viously involved. Going above and beyond her normal duties as ASM treasurer, this work helps ensure that the conference can continue in future years with its finances in order. Boston Chapter The team of Patrick Hogan, Jon Trenkle, Robb Westby, Chris Craven, and Jim Ritchey is recognized for tirelessly managing the Boston Chapter’s Materials Experi- ence for high school students for many years. They organize the planning meetings, flyers, online application process, learning modules, commemorative T-shirts, food and bev- erage, and make sure the participants learn and have fun. Everything works seamlessly because of this team’s efforts. Santosh Jha is affectionately known as the Chap- ter’s treasurer-for-life since he is unanimously nominated each year for the position. The Chapter’s financial picture is strong due to his active management of investments and steady management of registrations and funds for monthly events. Jha served as Chapter chair in 2007-2008 and is keeper of Chapter traditions. He also makes sure Chapter meetings run properly and adhere to the bylaws. Central Florida Steve Florczyk is recognized for his contributions to rejuvenating the Central Florida Chapter. He was the Chap- ter chair from 2015-2017 and guided the Chapter through the rejuvenation process. He also conducted several Chap- ter meetings with a variety of speakers and developed the virtual poster contest competition for the Chapter. Florczyk also serves as the Chapter’s web administrator. Chennai Chapter V.P. Parthasarathy is known for his knowledge of industrial metallurgy and best practices. He conducts Chap- ter workshops, seminars, and student outreach programs. As chair of the technical program, he drafted the curriculum and organized metallurgy and materials science training programs for academics, industry professionals, and stu- dents. He also mentors the core committee and inspires young team members with his professional and energetic volunteering style. Chicago Regional Chapter Guiru Nash Liu is known for her support of the ASM Materials Camp programs in the Chicago area. With her leadership and perserverance, the Chicago Chapter has been a stellar supporter of the ASM Foundation’s STEM out- reach activities (over $80K in contributions for Teacher and Student Camps in 2017). Liu has been an officer of the Chap- ter for many years in various roles. Tom Kozmel has been a long-time volunteer for the Chicago Regional Chapter, starting as a university liaison in 2012 and becoming Chapter chair in 2015. He continues to volunteer as an officer, currently serving as Education chair. His support for education-focused events is longstanding, as he is a fixture of the ASM Student Camps in the Chicago- land area, having served as coordinator for several years. Cleveland Chapter Roseanne Brunello-McCay hosted the golf tourna- ment for the Cleveland Chapter and organized the formation of a Material Advantage Chapter at Cleveland State Univer- sity. Brunello-McCay also was the recipient of the 2018 Pres- ident’s Award issued by the ASM Cleveland Chapter. Detroit Chapter Dave Masha is a regular at Detroit Chapter meetings going back to 2008. He is the unofficial Chapter photogra- pher, where he does a great job of documenting the people, speakers, and awardees at all of the meetings. At Chapter events, Masha helps with registration and check-in, and greets each attendee with a smile and cheerful comment. He is an outstanding point of contact for the Detroit Chapter. Eastern Virginia Chapter Donald Geisler has been an active member of ASM since 1962. He is currently treasurer for the Eastern VA Chapter, serving in that capacity for more than five years. ASM CHAPTER HONOR ROLL The ASM Volunteerism Committee proudly announces the 2018 Chapter Volunteer Honor Roll recognizing individuals whose performance is exemplary and essential for ASM’s success. All Chapters were invited to nominate members who serve as volunteers in an ongoing capacity. Submissions for the 2019 Honor Roll will open in March. Join us in recognizing the fol- lowing 2018 Chapter Honor Roll volunteers.  ASM CHAPTER HONOR ROLL