September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 3 tron microscopy. Best-In-Show receives the most presti- gious award available in the field of metallography, the Jacquet-Lucas Award, which includes a cash prize of $3000. For a complete description of the rules, tips for creating a winning entry, and judging guidelines, visit ims.asminterna- . Emerging Professionals: Prepare for MS&T18 Hello emerging professionals! It is almost time for the annual MS&T Conference, which will be held in beautiful Columbus, Ohio, from October 14-18. The Emerging Pro- fessionals Committee (EPC) has curated a broad range of abstracts for the annual Perspectives for Emerging Materials Professionals symposium on Monday. The morning session will focus on introductions to a variety of career paths in the academic, industrial, and government sectors, including a presentation from ASM’s incoming president, David Fur- rer, FASM, followed by a panel discussion. The afternoon session will focus on other topics of interest to emerging professionals such as international experiences, leadership development, and mentoring. Along with the EPC symposium, MS&T18 will be full of excellent content across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering. Register before September 12 for the early bird rate and check the website for hotel informa- tion. I look forward to seeing you in Columbus. Andrew Frerichs Emerging Professionals Committee Symposium Chair MeTeDa Plenary/CEN Workshop: Digital Infrastructure Project Explores Advanced Structural Materials An international group of organizations—including Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Electric Power Research Institute, the European Commission Joint Research Center for Energy and Transport, and ASM International—is work- ing together on a project to build a digital infrastructure for mechanical testing data (MeTeDa). The project consists of developing standard data formats for uniaxial creep, fatigue, creep crack growth, and creep-fatigue crack growth test data. The team is now working with data generated by the nuclear energy industry, but would like to broaden the scope of its efforts to include data from other industries. MeTeDa is an outgrowth of the DOE International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI). Test data is of partic- ular interest and has been the focus of several European Committee for Standardization (CEN) workshops, which have produced data formats for ambient temperature uni- axial tensile testing, materials pedigree, and fatigue testing (FaTeDa). The organizations involved in the MeTeDa project intend to extend this work and would like to reach the man- ufacturing, standards, and testing communities. The final plenary session of this workshop will take place at MS&T18 in Columbus, Ohio, on October 17, 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, Marion room. For more information visit aspx or contact Afina Lupulescu, afina.lupulescu@ . ASM Launches New Digital Course: Materials Characterization and the Selection Process Learn materials science in a new way—on your com- puter, tablet, or smartphone—within a completely digital environment, on your own schedule. ASM just launched a new, highly interactive digital course format that makes it easier to comprehend, retain, and apply new concepts. The newest digital course module, “Materials Characterization and the Selection Process,” is now available. Selecting a material is one of the most critical design decisions anengineer canmake. Compromises and tradeoffs among various design variables are routinely made and fac- tors that are important in one system may be insignificant in another. In this self-guided digital course, students will learn—with the help of rich visuals, narrated animations, demonstration videos, and interactive quizzes—how to evaluate the variou s factors that impact material selection for component design. The course includes real-world case studies in materials selection for different products, based on their design specifications. For more information on course registration and other details, visit or contact John Cerne at . Screenshot from “Materials Characterization and the Selection Process” module. ASM LAUNCHES DIGITAL COURSE