September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 2 SMST Founders’ Grant Open for Applications The International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST), an affiliate society of ASM International, is seeking applications for the 2019 SMST Founders’ Grant. The intent of the grant is to provide fund- ing for early, exploratory research related to shape mem- ory and superelasticity. It is expected that the funds will be used as a seed grant, to test a concept and lay a foundation for obtaining further funding from industry or government agencies. The award, which is financially funded in 2019 by Dr. T.W. Duerig, includes a stipend up to $50,000. Deadline to apply is January 11, 2019. For more information, visit or contact . Thermal Spray Hall of Fame Seeks Nominations The Thermal Spray Hall of Fame, established in 1993 by the Thermal Spray Society of ASM International, recognizes and honors outstanding leaders who have made significant contributions to the science, technology, practice, educa- tion, management, and advancement of thermal spray. For a copy of the rules, nomination form, and list of previous recipients, visit or con- tact . Nominations are due September 30, 2018, for recognition in 2019. FAS & IMS Programming at MS&T18 Two of ASM’s affiliate societies have taken their techni- cal programming to MS&T. Both the International Metallo- graphic Society (IMS) and the Failure Analysis Society (FAS) have chosen the October event in Columbus as the place to network with colleagues and learn about the latest develop- ments in their fields. The IMS Programming Committee, chaired by Dan Dennies, FASM, planned a symposium that spans four days: The IMS Symposium on Metallography and Microstructural Characterization of Materials and the Correlation of Micro- structure to Mechanical Properties. The Tuesday afternoon session kicks off with the Henry Clifton Sorby Lecture on “Summary of Analysis of Human and Methodological Fac- tors Affecting the Accuracy and Precision of Quantitative Descriptions of the Microstructure of Materials.” The FAS Programming Committee, chaired by Andrew Havics, organized three symposia: Characterization & Meth- ods in Failure Analysis, Manufacturing-Related Failures, and User-Related Failures. In addition, the two societies organized a joint session on Thursday morning, October 17, called FAS-IMS Failure Analysis Applications of Microanalysis, Microscopy, Metal- lography & Fractography. Visit to learn more. Cwajna Named 2018 Sorby Lecturer Professor Jan Ludwick Cwajna has been named the 2018 IMS Henry Clifton Sorby Lecturer. Cwajna is from the Silesian University of Technology, Poland. He is currently on the faculty in the materials engineering and met- allurgy department, having previously served as chief of the division of ste- reology and modeling. He was also head of the division of materials char- acterization for over 30 years. Cwajna cofounded the Polish Society for Stereology and served as its president and as a board member. In addition, he has been a member of the International Advisory Board of the IMS journal Materials Characterization. He is currently secretary of the Committee of Materials Science of the Polish Academia of Sciences and a member of the International Society for Stereology. Cwa- jna has published over 200 papers and received numerous awards in his country, including the Silver Badge of Honor for Development of Katowice Province (1976) and the Gold Order of Merit in 2004. The Sorby Lecture will be pre- sented by Prof. Agnieszka Szczotok on his behalf during MS&T in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, October 16, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Greater Columbus Con- vention Center. The title of Cwajna’s talk is “Summary of Analysis of Human and Methodological Factors Affecting the Accuracy and Precision of Quanti- tative Descriptions of the Microstructure of Materials.” The Sorby Award is presented annually in recognition of lifetime achievement in the field of metallurgy. Recipi- ents are acknowledged for 25 years or more of dedication to research, teaching, and/or laboratory sales and service. International Metallographic Contest at MS&T Deadline: October 2 The International Metallographic Contest (IMC), an annual contest cosponsored by the International Metal- lographic Society (IMS) and ASM International to advance the science of microstructural analysis, will again be held at MS&T in Columbus, Ohio, October 14-18. Five different classes of competition cover all fields of optical and elec- Cwajna  SORBY LECTURER Szczotok