September AMP_Digital
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 1 CEO CORNER Impact Factors on the Rise for ASM Journals Over the past few months, this column has focused on new developments taking place at ASM, including our Digital Trans- formation initiative, content re- engineering work, and our Mate- rials Solutions Network, all under the ASM Renewal. Along with the focus on these new endeavors, I am pleased to inform you that many of our traditional offerings are also growing, both in terms of revenue and market impact. One of these business lines is our journal program. Taken as a group, ASM journals continue to be a reli- able, multimillion dollar annual business. Our download numbers are steadily rising frommonth-to-month and year- over-year, thereby growing revenues. Perhaps more impor- tantly, the impact factors for ASM journals and the journals we cooperatively produce with other societies are increas- ing. The chart shows impact factors for the respective jour- nals from 2015 through 2017 (the latest year on record). The business and market impact record for ASM jour- nals is an important dataset for our members to consider when seeking publication of research results and technical communications. ASM journals remain a key resource for members, particularly from the academic and government CEO CORNER ASM Indian Institute of Metals Announces Recipients of 2018 ASM/IIM Visiting Lectureship The cooperative Visiting Lecturer programof ASM Inter- national and the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) is pleased to announce the individuals named to participate in the 2018 Visiting Lecturer program: Prof. Pierpaolo Carlone, Univer- sity of Salerno, Italy, and Dr. Veronique Vitry, UMONS, Bel- gium. The award includes an $800 honorarium to be used for travel expenses within India during the lecturer’s visit. ASM is also pleased to announce the distinguished individ- Vitry Carlone Balani Ghosh Mahoney ASM JOURNALS: IMPACT FACTORS Journal Title 2015 2016 2017 International Materials Reviews* 7.914 8.605 12.703 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 1.094 1.331 1.340 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 0.784 0.938 1.315 Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 1.568 1.488 1.949 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A** 1.749 1.874 1.887 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B** 1.474 1.642 1.834 *Co-owned with Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) **Co-owned with The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) segments of our Society. By publishing in ASM journals, you can be assured of both widespread exposure and excellent technical quality. These continuous improvements in jour- nals are emblematic of the entire ASM Renewal. In that vein, please let me know how I may be of im- proved service to you. William T. Mahoney, CEO, ASM International uals who have been named to participate in the 2018 ASM/ IIM Visiting Lecturer North American Program: Prof. Kantesh Balani, Indian Institute of Technology, Howrah, and Dr. Chi- radeep Ghosh, Indian Institute of Engineering, Science, and Technology, Howrah. The award includes a $2000 honorar- ium to be used for travel expenses within the U.S. and Can- ada during the lecturer’s visit. All recipients will receive a certificate of recognition to be presented at the ASM Leader- ship Awards Luncheon scheduled for October 15 in Colum- bus during MS&T18.
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