September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 7 0 Dr. Dehua Yang, FASM President Ebatco, Eden Prairie, Minn. For distinct and significant im- pacts on cutting edge nanotechnol- ogy applications, including nanoscale materials testing and characterization. Dr. Linruo Zhao, FASM Principal Research Officer National Research Council of Canada, Ontario For outstanding contributions to aerospace materials research and development in Canada and for pro- viding leadership in championing the objectives and programs of ASM International. Nominations are currently being accepted for the ASM/TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials & Society. The lecture was established in 1971 and is jointly sponsored by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and ASM International. The topic of the lecture shall fall within these objectives: • • To clarify the role of materials science and engi- neering in technology and in society in its broadest sense. • • To present an evaluation of progress made in developing new technology for the ever changing needs of technology and society. • • To define new frontiers for materials science and engineering. Nominations may be proposed by any member of either Society. Submit your nominations by Septem- ber 15 for consideration. Recommendations should be submitted to the headquarters of either Society. View sample forms, rules, and past recipients at awards/nominate. To nominate someone for this award, contact christine.hoover@asminternational. org for a unique nomination link. You may also contact Deborah Hixon at TMS Headquarters, . NOMINATIONS NEEDED FOR 2019 ASM/TMS DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP IN MATERIALS & SOCIETY Official ASM Annual Business Meeting Notice The Annual Business Meeting of members of ASM International will be held in conjunction with MS&T18 on: Monday, October 15 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Hyatt Regency Columbus The purpose of the ASM Annual Business Meet- ing is the election of officers for the 2018-19 term and transaction of other Society business. Nomination Deadline for the 2019 Class of Fellows is Fast Approaching The honor of Fellow of the Society was established to provide recognition to ASM members for distinguished con- tributions in the field of materials science and engineering, and to develop a broadly based forum for technical and pro- fessional leaders to serve as advisors to the Society. Criteria for the Fellow award include: • • Outstanding accomplishments in materials science or engineering • • Broad and productive achievement in production, manufacturing, management, design, development, research, or education • • Five years of current, continuous membership Deadline for nominations for the class of 2019 is November 30, 2018. To nominate someone, visit the ASM website to request a unique nomination form link. Rules and past recipients are available at asminternational. org/membership/awards/asm-fellows or by contacting Christine Hoover, 440.338.5151 or christine.hoover@ . NOMINATION DEADLINES ASM Nominating Committee Nominations Due ASM International is seeking members to serve on the 2019 ASMNominating Committee. The committeewill select a nominee for 2019-2020 vice president (who will serve as president in 2020-2021) and three nominees for trustee. Candidates for this committee can only be proposed by a Chapter through its executive committee, an ASM commit- tee or council, or an affiliate society board. Nominations are due December 15. For more information, contact Leslie Taylor at 440.338.5151 or leslie.taylor@asminternational. org, or visit nominating-committee.