September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 6 9 Prof. Eugene A. Olevsky, FASM Dean and Distinguished Professor College of Engineering San Diego State University For outstanding contributions to materials engineering education and sintering research including the devel- opment of the continuum theory of sintering and fundamental studies of field-assisted powder consolidation technologies. Mr. Udayan Pathak, FASM Deputy General Manager Engineering Research Centre Tata Motors Limited, India For developing innovative solu- tions that achieve significant cost sav- ings and sustainability in materials and processes for automotive appli- cations and for attracting and mento- ring young minds to pursue careers in materials engineering. Prof. Mark E. Schlesinger, FASM Professor of Metallurgical Engineering Missouri University of Science and Tech- nology, Rolla For contributions in metallurgi- cal engineering education, analysis of phase equilibria, and promotion of recycling and professional registration of materials engineers. Mrs. Beth Matlock Snipes, FASM Senior Materials Engineer TEC Materials Testing, Knoxville, Tenn. For developing x-ray diffraction systems with improved resolution and portability for residual stress and retained austenite measurements. Prof. Katsuyo Thornton, FASM L.H. and F.E. Van Vlack Professor University of Michigan, Ann Arbor For groundbreaking contributions to the science of phase transforma- tions, significant impact on the K-12 community by training educators in materials science and engineering cur- ricula, and leadership in broadening participation in ICME. Prof. Sammy Tin, FASM Professor of Materials Engineering Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago For distinguished contributions to the physical metallurgy of advanced single crystal and polycrystalline Ni- base superalloys. Dr. Mark Tschopp, FASM Regional Lead, ARL Central U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Chicago For distinguished and sustained contributions in computational mate- rials science, solid mechanics, process- ing-structure-property relationships, and materials design for ICME leading to accelerated discovery and practical application. Dr. Erhan Ulvan, FASM Manager - Engineering, Field Engineer- ing Services and Laboratories Acuren Group, Ontario, Canada For outstanding expertise and impact in failure analysis, forensic engi- neering, nondestructive testing, and materials engineering services, along with education of students and the materials community in these fields. Prof. Christopher M. Wolverton, FASM Jerome B. Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. For innovative development and use of first principle atomistic and multiscale computational techniques that led to the use of density functional theory and statistical mechanics approaches, including predicting the stability of phases and evolution of micro- structure in metals and the design of materials for energy applications. 2018 CLASS OF FELLOWS