September AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 6 8 2018 CLASS OF FELLOWS Mr. Michael C. Halbig, FASM Materials Research Engineer NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland For sustained contributions and leadership in advancing the field of non-oxide ceramics, composites, and additively manufactured materials and related systems for high temperature aerospace and energy applications. Prof. Robert W. Hyers, FASM Professor Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Massachusetts, Amherst For distinguished contributions in the field of high-temperature materials processing and properties, with proven applications of these technologies in aerospace and extractive industries. Mr. William J. Jarosinski, FASM Associate Director, Materials Praxair Surface Technologies Inc., Indianapolis For recognition of continuous development of advanced powder processing technologies and coating solutions for enhanced wear and cor- rosion resistance throughout numer- ous industries. Mr. Roger A. Jones, FASM CEO Solar Atmospheres Group, Souderton, Pa. For advancing production of vacuum thermal processes and pro- cedures for large and heavy assem- blies utilizing state-of-the-art vacuum furnaces, for the enhancement of the overall heat treating industry. Dr. M. Kamaraj, FASM Professor Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras For significant contributions to the understanding of tribological behavior of surface coatings and devel- opment of wear resistant coatings for hydropower turbine blades, bio-implants, and dissimilar joints for automobiles. Prof. Ibrahim Karaman, FASM Chevron Professor and Head Department of Materials Science and Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station For contributions to the under- standing of structure-property-pro- cessing relationships in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys and ultrafine-grained materials, shape memory alloy materials for extreme environment applications, and microstructure engineering through severe plastic deformation. Prof. Changhee Lee, FASM Professor Division of Materials Science and Engineering Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea For remarkable contributions to scholarly development of weld- ing and spray technology through his innovative research, published papers, and academic activities in ASM International. Dr. Michael R. Mitchell, FASM President Mechanics & Materials Consulting LLC, Flagstaff, Ariz. In recognition as an international leader in the areas of research, devel- opment, and education in the fatigue and fracture behavior of materials for ground vehicles, aerospace systems, and medical devices. Prof. Frank Mücklich, FASM Director, Materials Engineering Center Saarland University, Germany For his expertise in the theory of 3D microstructure research and tech- nology contributions to the field. Prof. G. Robert Odette, FASM Distinguished Professor Mechanical Engineering University of California, Santa Barbara For excellence and sustained sem- inal contributions to measuring, mod- eling, and managing irradiation effects in structural materials for nuclear energy applications and related areas of materials science.