September AMP_Digital
Initiative I Improve fundraising methods and results Goal A Develop and utilize board participation structure to make contact with individual and corporate prospects and donors Goal B Increase the number of personal contacts with donors and prospects made by both board and staff Goal C Develop improved materials and mailings Initiative II Create staffing plan through 2022 Goal A Determine full scope of needs for Foundation and how to best serve those needs Goal B Create plan for transitioning away from current staff retiring and develop new position(s) to support current and anticipated future needs 2018 - 2021 STRATEGIC PLAN (continued) VISION STATEMENT A leading provider of inspirational materials science educational resources to excite future generations about STEM learning and careers. MISSION STATEMENT Develop and deploy materials science content and hands-on, minds-on instructional strategies to inspire, engage, and empower future generations to create STEM solutions for 21 st century challenges. Initiative III Become a premier source of Materials Science education through a comprehensive continuum of resources across K-16, consisting of in-school and out-of-school resources Goal A Strong Data Collection and Evaluation processes in place across all programs Goal B All curriculum for camps and training, as well as classroom resources is copyrighted/owned by ASM MEF Goal C Develop teacher camps and Materials Discovery programmodels into a more cohesive program of training education providers through different venues and at different grade bands Goal D Ensure that all programmodels are able to serve underrepresented groups and expand focus to ensure those students are being reached Goal E Seek opportunities for programming to produce revenue to help offset program costs Goal F Explore possible partnerships with organizations serving complementary missions
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