September AMP_Digital

FINANCIALS ASM MATERIALS EDUCATION FOUNDATION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (PRE-AUDIT) December 31, 2017 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and short-term investments $ 27,128 Accounts Receivable Receivables 89,241 Prepaids 39 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 116,408 Investments at market value CAMP 1 Funds (fixed interest) 96,143 CAMP 2 Funds (anchored to portfolio) 8,188 Balance of Funds 12,311,650 Total Portfolio At Market Value 12,415,981 Debt Owed by ASMI 140,774 Life Ins Cash Surrender Value 5,812 Fixed Assets – Fundraising Software 5,950 Accumulated Depreciation – Fundraising Software (3,735) 12,564,781 TOTAL ASSETS $ 12,681,190 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 9,711 Borrowing under the line of credit 752,159 Debt Owed to ASMI 0 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 761,870 Long-Term Liabilities Restricted Foundation Funds 0 Deferred interest income 6,049 Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets 895,824 Operating 138,491 Unrealized gain (loss) on investments 2,069,130 Total unrestricted net assets 3,103,446 Restricted New Assets Temporarily Restricted 1,207,630 Permanently Restricted (Adjusted) 1,055,079 Board Designated Restricted 6,547,117 Total Restricted Net Assets 8,809,825 Total Net Assets 11,913,270 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $ 12,681,190