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FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 3 6 HTS NAMES NEW BOARD MEMBERS FOR 2018 The Heat Treating Society (HTS) board, at the recom- mendation of the HTS Awards and Nominations Committee, named new board members including Benjamin Bernard, Fred Hamizadeh, and Deidra Minerd to serve on the HTS Board for the 2018-2021 term; Joseph Fignar was reap- pointed to serve as emerging professional board member for the 2018-2019 term; and Noah Tietsort to serve as stu- dent board member for 2018-2019. Terms begin October 1. Continuing on the board are Jim Oakes (president), Eric Hutton (vice president), Steve Kowalski (past president and treasurer), Robert Cryderman (secretary), Chuck Faulkner (member), Marc Glasser (member), Joseph Pow- ell (member), OlgaRowan (member), and ThomasWingens (member). Leaving theboardare NathanChupka (member), Michael Pershing (member), Craig Zimmerman (member), and Jonah Klemm-Toole (student boardmember). Benjamin Bernard is VP of busi- ness development, R&D, and sales at Surface Combustion Inc. in Maumee, Ohio. He has a B.S. inmaterials science and engineering, as well as an interna- tional business certificate, both from Michigan Technological University. He gained international experience as an engineering intern for Alcoa in Brazil and Chugai Ro Co. Ltd. in Japan. He currently serves as HTS Exposition Committee co-chair and previously was Young Professional Board Member (2012- 2013). He received the Governor’s Award for Export Excel- lence in 2013. Fred Hamizadeh is director of manufacturing services at American Axle & Manufacturing, having worked at the company since 2007. He received his B.S.M.E. from the University of To- ledo and started his career in the heat treat industry at Williams Industrial Service in 1988 as a designer and later as an engineer. He then worked at Sur- face Combustion Inc. for over 13 years in various engineering roles. Hamizadeh has established or expanded heat treating facilities in eight countries. Deidra Minerd is operations manager at Euclid Heat Treating, Ohio, where she has worked for over 20 years. Prior to Euclid, she was a sales engineer at Therm-O-Disc in Mans- field, Ohio. Minerd received a B.S. in metallurgical engineering from The Ohio State University in 1997 and is a graduate of the management training H T EATING SOCIETY NEWS 4 Bernard program through the Metal Treating Institute (MTI). She has served on the MTI Education Committee and is a career day speaker at various area high schools. Joseph Fignar earned his B.Sc. in materials science and engineering from Penn State University in 2015. He was active in the Material Advantage program and served as student met- allurgist on the SAE Formula Student PennStateRacingTeam. He internedat ArcelorMittal and with the Penn State Applied Research Laboratory, complet- ing a research project that culminated in a peer-reviewed article. Fignar is a process engineer at Honda Transmission Manufacturing in Russells Point, Ohio, where he is responsible for Fe/Ni-base heat treatment of transmission gears and components. Noah Tietsort is an undergrad- uate student studying materials sci- ence and engineering at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He is also a metallurgical engineer intern at Arconic Forgings and Extrusions and an undergraduate research assistance at Case’s Solar Durability and Lifetime Extension Center. For the past two years, he has served as the committee lead in planning and hosting events for the Case Engineers Council during National Engineers Week. Tietsort’s interests in materials science include metallurgy, pyrometry, andmaterials characterization. WHITLEY WINS 2018 ASM HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING AWARD The winner of the 2018 HTS/ Bodycote Best Paper in Heat Treating Award is entitled, “Understanding Mi- crostructural Evolution During Rapid Heat Treatment of Microalloyed Steels Through Computational Modeling, Ad- vanced Physical Simulation and Multi- scale Characterization Techniques” by Blake Whitley, senior engineer I, R&D at ATI Specialty Materials in Monroe, N.C. Whitley wrote the paper while he was a Ph.D. student inmetallurgical engineering at the Colo- rado School of Mines. The award will be presented at the ASM Leadership Awards Lunch on Monday, October 15, at MS&T18 in Colum- bus, Ohio. The award includes a plaque and $2500 cash prize endowed by Bodycote Thermal Process-North America. Hamizadeh Minerd Fignar Tietsort Whitley
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