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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 8 2 9 For more information: Vicki Burt, content developer, ASM International, 9639 Kinsman Rd., Materials Park, OH 44073, 440.338.5151, vicki.burt@ References 1. R.B. Thompson, Using Physical Models of the Testing Process in the Determination of Probability of Detection, Materials Evaluation, Vol 59, p 861-865, 2001. 2. Steam Generator Management Program, Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Examination Guide- lines: Revision 8, TR-3002007572. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, 2016. 3. 2015 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI: Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, ASME, New York. 4. 2015 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V: Nondestructive Examination, ASME, New York. 5. 2015 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III: Rules for Con- struction of Nuclear Facility Compo- nents, ASME, New York. 6. Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities, API STD 1104, American Petroleum Institute (API), Washington, 2014. 7. Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures, ACI 349.3R, American Concrete Institute (ACI), Farmington Hills, MI, 2002. 8. Nondestructive Test Methods for Evaluation of Concrete in Structures, ACI 228.2R-13. American Concrete Institute (ACI), Farmington Hills, MI, 2013. 9. Guidebook on Nondestructive Test- ing of Concrete Structures, Training Course Series No. 17, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, 2002. 10. Aircraft Inspection and Repair, FAA- AC43.13-1B, Skyhorse Publishing Inc., New York, 2009. 11. MIL HDBK 6870B Nondestructive Inspection Program Requirements for Aircraft and Missile Materials and Parts, Department of Defense (DoD), Air Force Research Laboratories, Wright- Patterson AFB, OH, 2012. EDITOR SPOTLIGHT Aquil Ahmad, FASM, and Leonard Bond offered their expertise as vol- ume editors of the revised ASM Handbook , Volume 17, Nondestructive Evalu- ation of Materials. The 2018 edition of Volume 17 is a completely revised and updated work written and reviewed by the leading experts in the field. Last published in 1989, the new Volume 17 provides detailed technical information that will enable readers to select, use, and interpret methods used to nonde- structively test and analyze engineered products and assemblies. As chief metallurgist for Eaton Corp. before he retired, Ahmad used NDT techniques and technologies for projects including ultrasonic testing for steel cleanliness, eddy current for flaws, the Barkhausen effect for residual stress, hardness, and austenite levels in steels, and others during his 40-year career. Bond served as director of the Center for Nondestructive Evaluation at Iowa State University from July 2012 to May 2018. He was previously a labo- ratory Fellow at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Wash., and has held positions as an academic, in industry, and at national laboratories in both the U.S. and U.K. His technical work has fo- cused on ultrasonics and its applications, with more recent applications in advanced diagnostics and prognostics. Volume 17 includes more than 40 articles written by industry experts and is a valuable resource for engineers involved in NDE and those who want to learn more about the techniques. Ahmad Bond