
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 6 1 Michigan Tech Names Callahan as Dean On July 1, Janet Callahan be- came the first woman to serve as dean of Michigan Technological University’s College of Engineering. Previously at Boise State University, she was chair and professor of the Micron School of Materials Science and Engineer- ing. Callahan holds a Ph.D. in materi- als science and an M.S. in metallurgy from the University of Connecticut at Storrs, where she is a member of the Academy of Distinguished Engineers. She helped secure $40 million in funding to establish Boise’s MSE programs and support the Micron Center for Materials Research. Seal Joins Florida Inventors Hall of Fame Sudipta Seal, FASM, trustee chair, Pegasus and University Distin- guished Professor at the University of Central Florida, was named to the Flor- ida Inventors Hall of Fame. He created a unique nano cerium oxide that led to the discovery of its antioxidant proper- ties and groundbreaking therapeutic applications in regenerative nanomed- icine. He also developed multifunc- tional nanomaterials for aerospace nanoenergetics. Seal has 48 U.S. patents and is a trustee of ASM International. ASTM Honors Olson with Leadership Award Tyler Olson, engineering manager, materials, with the Fastenal Company, Winona, Minn., was awarded the 2018 ASTM International James A. Thomas President’s Leader- ship Award. Katharine Morgan, ASTM International pres- ident, presented Olson with the award during standards development meetings in May in San Diego. Olson was rec- ognized for his productivity and exemplary service to the committee on fasteners (F16) . He has been with Fastenal Company since 2008. Rudnev Teaches Induction Hardening Seminar Callahan Seal Valery Rudnev, FASM, director of science and technology at Inductoheat Inc., was invited by CNH Industrial Group to conduct an induction hardening seminar for its engineers andmanagers. Standing in front of Magnum, a Ferrari-red autonomous tractor with no cabin, are (from left) David Dobbins, Valery Rudnev, and Tapan Shah. ASM Hosts Summit for Affiliate Societies Leadership from the Affiliate Societies and ASM Inter- national held a Summit on June 22 at ASM headquarters in Materials Park, Ohio. The objective of the Summit was to strengthen the relationship between the Affiliates and ASM and to better align their activities with the ASM Renewal. Attendees from left: Fred Schmidt, ASM president; Jim Oakes, HTS president; David Furrer, ASM president-elect; Jim Cotton, ASM co-chair, 2020 IMAT; James Lane, FAS vice president; Veronica Becker, ASM chief financial officer; Bill Mahoney, ASM chief executive officer; Ryan Milosh, ASM chief sales and marketing officer; Matt Perricone, ASMMem- bership Committee chair; Eric Hutton, HTS vice president; Jeremy Schaffer, SMST president; Mike Keeble, IMS direc- tor; Lee Knauss, EDFAS president-elect; Othmane Benafan, SMST president-elect; Ron Aderhold, ASM chief information & operations officer; and Zhiyong Wang, EDFAS president. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS