
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 6 0 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Shenyang Launches Lecture Series The new ASM Shenyang Chapter in China launched the Jin Shuliang Lecture Series on May 24 with an inaugu- ral speech by Prof. Ke Lu, a renowned materials scientist. The series’ namesake was a pioneer for the Chinese iron and steel industry and former president of Northeastern Univer- sity. This event was hosted by university president Prof. Ji Zhao. More than 400 ASM members, Material Advantage members, as well as faculty and students across Shenyang city were in attendance. In his talk “Stability of Nanostruc- tures in Metals,” Prof. Lu shared insights in overcoming the tradeoff of materials properties by novel strategies devel- oped by his research team over the past two decades. He is known for the discovery of nanotwinned materials and con- tributions to the advancement of nanostructured materials. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS UVM Names Schadler as Dean Linda Schadler, FASM, is the new dean of the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at the Univer- sity of Vermont. Previously, she served as the vice provost and dean of under- graduate education and the Russell Sage Professor inMaterials Science and Engineering at Rensselaer Polytech- nic Institute (RPI). She created the RPI Teaching and Learning Collaboratory and Beta Classroom, an experimental space for testing new classroom technologies. Schadler has co-authored more than 160 journal publications, 10 book chapters, and holds 12 patents. She is a former trustee of ASM International. MacKenzie Elected President of IFHTSE D. Scott MacKenzie, FASM, was elected to a two-year term as president of the International Federation of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (IFHTSE). He has served as the ASM representative to the IFHTSE Executive Committee since 2015. MacKenzie is senior research scientist − metallurgy at Houghton International. He has pub- lished over 150 publications and books mainly in the field of heat treating and quenching. Vander Voort Teaches in St. Petersburg Participants fill the room for the inaugural Jin Shuliang lecture co-hosted by the Shenyang Chapter and Northeastern University. ASM President Visits Pittsburgh ASM President Frederick Schmidt , FASM (right) receives a plaque fromNate Eisinger, chair of the ASM Pittsburgh Chapter, in appreciation for his chapter talk and trustee visit on April 19. The plaque displays a Pittsburgh cityscape on a forged aluminumplate. Schmidt’s talk was on “Steel and Aluminum Fabrication and Design: Motorcycle Applications.” Schadler MacKenzie George Vander Voort, FASM, consultant with Struers Inc., gathers with his students while teaching a one-week course at the Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg, Russia, in May.  CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS