
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 5 9 Turchi Named 2019 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award Recipient ASM is pleased to announce that Dr. Patrice Turchi, senior scientist, Law- rence Livermore National Laboratory, Calif., is the 2019 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award recipient. His citation reads, “For outstanding and pioneer- ing contributions in the application of first-principles, quantum-mechanical calculations to the modeling of phase equilibria and thermodynamic behavior of alloys.” The Gibbs Award was established in 2007 to recog- nize outstanding contributions to the field of phase equi- libria. The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s greatest theoretical scientists. The award is endowed by QuesTek Innovations LLC. Gibbs laid the thermodynam- ics foundations of phase equilibria with his brilliant essay, “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances,” pub- lished in 1876 and in 1878 in the Transactions of the Con- necticut Academy. Save the Date: Virtual Career Fair ASM is co-sponsoring an online career fair, ideal for both job seekers and employers. The event will be held on September 20. The Engineering & Science Career Network Online Career Fair offers job seekers and employers the chance to connect—with zero travel involved. View registra- tion details and employer pricing options by visiting http:// bit.ly/2CFioK0. The event is free for job seekers. Turchi International Metallographic Contest at MS&T Deadline: October 2 The International Metallographic Contest (IMC), an annual contest cosponsored by the International Metal- lographic Society (IMS) and ASM International to advance the science of microstructural analysis, will again be held at MS&T in Columbus, Ohio, October 14-18. Five different classes of competition cover all fields of optical and elec- tron microscopy: Class 1: Light Microscopy—All Materials Class 2: Electron Microscopy—All Materials Class 3 : Student Entries—All Materials (Undergraduate Students Only) Class 4: Artistic Microscopy (Color)—All Materials Class 5: Artistic Microscopy (Black & White)— All Materials Best-In-Show receives the most prestigious award available in the field of metallography, the Jacquet-Lucas Award, which includes a cash prize of $3000. For a complete description of the rules, tips for creating a winning entry, and judging guidelines, visit ims.asminternational.org . AeroMat and ITSC Dignitaries Enjoy Networking All smiles during the “Taste of North America” networking event at AeroMat/ITSC in Orlando this past May are, from left, ASM President Fred Schmidt, his wife Phyllis, and ASM and TSS past president Christopher Berndt. VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR