
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 5 8 Student Board Members for 2018-2019 Announced The ASM Board of Trustees values the insights, ideas, and participation of Material Advantage students. The Stu- dent Board Member program provides the opportunity to attend four board meetings where the students will meet and work with leading technical professionals and gain leadership skills that will benefit them throughout their career. The next deadline for submissions is April 15, 2019. Details can be found on the ASM website. Aadithya Jeyaranjan University of Central Florida Aadithya (Aadi) Jeyaranjan is a third year Ph.D. candidate in materials science and engineering at the Uni- versity of Central Florida. His research interests span a variety of areas includ- ing applications of nano rare earth oxides for energy storage applications, which provides him the opportunity to work with Dr. Sudipta Seal, FASM. Currently, Jeyaranjan is working on examining the relationship between the mor- phology of nano rare earth oxides and their charge storage capacity. He has an M.S. in materials engineering from the University of South Florida, Tampa, and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Anna University, India. For his master’s thesis, Jeyaranjan studied the adhesion of thin film anodes for Li-ion battery applications. He currently serves as secretary of the ASM Central Florida Chapter. Kenna Ritter University of Connecticut Kenna Ritter is a rising senior at the University of Connecticut study- ing materials science and engineer- ing. She is an undergraduate research assistant in a lab that investigates alu- minum alloys for additive manufactur- ing applications. Ritter has played an active role in the UConn Material Advantage Chapter, hav- ing served as an officer for the past two years. She helped plan numerous events, such as company tours, conference trips, professional development workshops, and banquets. She especially enjoys attending outreach events with K-12 students. Ritter interned at Pratt & Whitney last summer in the materials characterization group and has returned this summer in the structural alloys group. She hopes to make the most of her experience on the ASM Student Board and looks forward to contributing to the organization. Jeyaranjan Ritter Eli Vandersluis Ryerson University Eli Vandersluis is a Ph.D. candi- date in the mechanical and industrial engineering department at Ryerson University, Canada, under the supervi- sion of Dr. C. Ravi Ravindran, FASM. His research focuses on casting lightweight alloys with improved properties for the automotive and aerospace industries. Specifically, he aims to maximize thermal conductivity of aluminum automotive cylinder heads to improve their heat distribution, thus enabling lower thermal stresses and increased operating temperatures. Vandersluis is also involved with several other research projects, including work to improve melt cleanliness and grain refinement in magnesiumcastings, and the analysis of solidification kinet- ics and residual stresses of light alloys components using neutron diffraction. He is a part-time sessional instructor at Ryerson, teaching materials science, and is founding chair (2017-2018) of the Material Advantage Ryerson Chapter. ASM Historical Landmark Presentation In his role as ASM President, Dr. Frederick E. Schmidt, Jr., FASM, presented the ASM Historical Landmark Award for 2017 to Weld Mold Co. on May 17 in Brighton, Mich. Weld Mold, founded in 1945, was recognized for developing and innovating the flood welding process for die repair. Com- pany founder Matt Kiilunen (1905-1990) was personally responsible for innovating the process, which took die repair to the next level by increasing die life while reducing customer costs. Attending the event were distinguished representatives from the city of Brighton and the state of Michigan, ASM dignitaries, members of the press, Weld Mold officials and employees, and other invited guests. Vandersluis ASM President Fred Schmidt, right, presents the 2017 Historical Landmark Award to Darryl Hammock, CEO of Weld Mold Company.  STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS