
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 5 6 Nominations are currently being accepted for the ASM/TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials & Society. The lecture was established in 1971 and is jointly sponsored by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and ASM International. The topic of the lecture shall fall within these objectives: • • To clarify the role of materials science and engi- neering in technology and in society in its broadest sense. • • To present an evaluation of progress made in developing new technology for the ever changing needs of technology and society. • • To define new frontiers for materials science and engineering. Nominations may be proposed by any member of either Society. Submit your nominations by Sep- tember 1 for consideration. Recommendations should be submitted to the headquarters of either Society. View sample forms, rules, and past recipients at http://www.asminternational.org/membership/ awards/nominate. To nominate someone for any of these awards, contact christine.hoover@ asminternational.org for a unique nomination link. You may also contact Deborah Hixon at TMS Head- quarters, hixon@tms.org . NOMINATIONS SOUGHT FOR 2019 ASM/TMS DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP IN MATERIALS & SOCIETY MS&T 2018 LECTURERS ANNOUNCED Continuing the grand tradition of ASM International events, three distinguished lecturers will speak at the 2018 Material Science & Technology Conference and Exhibition (MS&T18) to be held October 14-18 at the Greater Colum- bus Convention Center in Ohio. MS&T brings together the strengths of five major materials organizations: ASM Inter- national, American Ceramic Society, Association for Iron & Steel Technology, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, and the Metallurgy and Materials Society. O’Malley 2018 Alpha Sigma Mu Lecture Monday, October 15; 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Prof. Ronald J. O’Malley F. Kenneth Iverson Chair Professor of Steelmaking Technologies Missouri University of Science and Technology “The Role of Rapid Technology Advances and Socio-Environmental Drivers in the Evolution of Process and Product Developments in Steel” Advancements in technology have always driven pro- cess and product development in manufacturing, and steel manufacturing is no exception. In the past, technology development has spurred radical shifts in the manufactur- ing processes employed in steel production. Environmental and social drivers have also driven process developments and competition inmaterials selection, spurring a newwave of steel processing and product development to meet these challenges. With today’s rapid advances in technology, the availability of advanced new analytical capabilities and tools, more powerful computational platforms, expanding networkability and the availability of low cost sensors and hardware, the pace of development in steel is accelerating faster than ever before. While the next big shift in steel man- ufacturing is not yet clear, the rapid pace of development is providing many new and exciting opportunities for young professionals entering the steel industry. 2018 ASM/TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials and Society Tuesday, October 16; 8:00 – 10:40 a.m. Dr. Lynette D. Madsen Program Director National Science Foundation “The Ecosystem of Research, Educa- tion, and Community” Insights from research discoveries trigger innovation and invention, and ultimately lead to commercialization of new products. This influx of new technologies feeds the economy, and in turn also sparks interest in the community. It is this excitement and promise that attracts students to the field—our future workforce of policy makers, manufacturing experts, engineers, scientists, educators, and other leaders. Appreciation of the interde- pendence of these three corner-pins—research, education, and society—is essential to creating our best future. Madsen  MS&T 2018 LECTURERS