
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 5 5 Marcus A. Grossmann Young Author Award Haihui Zhang and Wanlin Wang will receive this year’s award for their paper entitled “Mold Simulator Study of Heat Transfer Phenomenon During the Initial Solidification in Continuous Casting Mold,” Met. Trans. B, Vol. 48, 2017. The award was established in 1960 in recognition of Dr. Gross- mann’s accomplishments, especially his abiding interest in and encouragement of younger metallurgists and materials engineers whose paper was selected as the best of those published in a specific volume of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions for authors under 40 years of age on January 1 of the year in which the paper was published. Official ASM Annual Business Meeting Notice The Annual Business Meeting of members of ASM International will be held in conjunction with MS&T18 on: Monday, October 15 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Hyatt Regency Columbus The purpose of the ASM Annual Business Meet- ing is the election of officers for the 2018-19 term and transaction of other Society business. Zhang Wang ASM Student Paper Contest Mr. Eli Vandersluis is recognized for his paper entitled “Relationships Between Solidification Parameters in A319 Aluminum Alloy.” The contest was established in 1985 as a mechanism for student participation in Society affairs. The award recognizes the best tech- nical paper with a graduate or under- graduate student as first author that is published in an ASM-sponsored publi- cation during the year. Emerging Professional Achievement Award Ms. Jessica A. Clinton, lead weld- ing manufacturing engineer, Baker Hughes General Electric, Twinsburg, Ohio, will receive this year’s award “for promoting chapter sustainabil- ity through innovative programming and college outreach.” Established in 2010, the award recognizes extraordi- nary ASM volunteers with 0-5 years of post-graduation experience who have made a significant impact on ASM International through devoted service and dedication to the future of the Society. Vandersluis Clinton ASM Historical Landmark Designation Materion’s plant in Elmore, Ohio, has been selected for a 2018 Historical Landmark Award. The citation reads, “Materion’s Elmore plant began producing beryllium and beryllium copper alloys in 1953. These materials have con- tributed to significant innovations in the aerospace and defense, information technology, automotive, and telecom- munications industries.” In 1969, the ASM Historical Land- marks Designation was established to permanently identify the many sites and events that have played a prominent part in the discovery, development, and growth of metals and metalworking. In 1987, the scope of this award broad- ened to include all engineered materials. AWARD RECIPIENTS