
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 5 3 Albert Sauveur Achievement Award Dr. S. Lee Semiatin, FASM, Materials and Manufacturing Direc- torate, AFRL/RX, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, will receive this year’s award “for seminal research and development that has established the discipline of Processing Science and spurred related work in academia, industry, and government laborato- ries worldwide.” Established in 1934 in honor of a distinguished teacher, metallographer, and metallurgist, the award recognizes pioneering materials sci- ence and engineering achievements that have stimulated organized work along similar lines to such an extent that a marked basic advance was made in the knowledge of mate- rials science and engineering. William Hunt Eisenman Award Mr. Louis W. Lherbier, FASM, Carpenter Powder Products, retired, Carpenter Technologies, Pittsburgh,will receive this year’s award “for sustained contributions to the processing of cast/ wrought and powder metallurgy advan- ced alloys for gas turbine engines used in aerospace and power generation and for technical leadership in the develop- ment of more reliable and higher per- formance products.” The award was established in 1960 in memory of a founding member of ASM, and its first and only secretary for 40 years. It recognizes unusual achievements in industry in the practical application of materials science and engineering through production or engineering use. J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award Prof. John E. Morral, FASM, emeritus professor, The Ohio State University, Columbus, will receive this year’s award “for fundamental and applied research on topology of phase diagrams and theory of phase equilib- ria resulting in major advances in the calculation and interpretation of phase equilibria and diffusion.” The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of Amer- ica’s greatest theoretical scientists. In addition to many other contributions, Gibbs laid the thermodynamic foun- dations of phase equilibria theory with his brilliant essay “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances,” pub- lished in 1876 and 1878 in the Transactions of the Connecti- cut Academy. Allan Ray Putnam Service Award Mr. Keith A. Hill, principal metal- lurgist, retired, Carpenter Technology Corp., Reading, Pa., will receive this year’s award “for exceptional service, duty, and tenure in leadership and gov- ernance of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of ASM International and furthering the Society’s objectives and goals.” Established in 1988, the award recog- nizes the exemplary efforts of various outstanding members of ASM International on behalf of the Society to further its objectives and goals. The purpose of this award is to recognize those individuals whose contri- butions have been especially noteworthy and to whom the Society owes a particularly great debt of appreciation. Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award Prof. Enrique V. Barrera, FASM, professor, materials science and nano- engineering, Rice University, Houston, will receive this year’s award “for fos- tering a love for science and learning in elementary and secondary students and for providing opportunities for par- ticipation by women, minorities, and disabled persons in science, mathema- tics, and engineering and for actively mentoring women and underrepresented minority under- graduate students.” The award was established in 1960 in memory of an outstanding teacher and research engineer, who was a founding member and president of ASM in 1921. It recognizes unusually long and devoted service in teach- ing, as well as significant accomplishments in materials sci- ence and engineering and an unusual ability to inspire and impart enthusiasm to students. Silver Medal Award Dr. Brenda Garcia-Diaz, man- ager, Energy Materials, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, S.C., will receive this year’s award “for being a world leader in electrochemical reac- tions driving the effectiveness and durability of energy materials and pro- cesses and for leveraging her expertise across multiple energy applications, including solar, nuclear, and storage systems.” Dr. Erik M. Mueller, materials research engineer, National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, will receive this year’s award “for outstanding use of failure Semiatin Lherbier Morral Hill Barrera Garcia-Diaz AWARD RECIPIENTS