
ASM NEWS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 5 2 In This Issue Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News | ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road | Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 | F 440.338.4634 | E joanne.mille r@asminternational.org Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 or 800.336.5152 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) | F 440.338.4634 | E MemberServiceCenter@asminternational.org | W asminternational.org 52 ASM Award Recipients 56 MS&T Lecturers 57 CEO Corner 58 Student Board Members 60 Members in the News ASM Announces 2018 Award Recipients T he ASM International Board of Trustees has named award recipients for 2018. The awards program rec- ognizes achievements of members of the materi- als science and engineering community. Awards will be presented at ASM’s annual Awards Dinner, October 16 in Columbus, Ohio, during Materials Science & Technol- ogy 2018 (MS&T18). Tickets for the awards dinner cost $100 each and can be ordered online at matscitech.org . Those interested in purchasing a table may contact Chris- tine Hoover at christine.hoover@asminternational.org or 440.338.5151. Honorary Membership Dr. Jack G. Simon, FASM, presi- dent, Technology Access Inc., Roscom- mon, Mich., will receive this year’s award “for direct contribution to inno- vative automotive manufacturing pro- cesses and automobiles hybridization, guiding the nation’s technology policy, providing leadership in research part- nerships between industry, universities and government, and being an iconic role model for students, young materials engineers, ASM leaders, and his community.” Honorary Membership in the Society was established in 1919 to recognize distinguished service to the materials science and engineering profes- sion, ASM strategic plan and initiatives, and the progress of mankind. Distinguished Life Membership Prof. Michael F. Ashby, emeritus professor of materials, Engineering Design Centre, University of Cam- bridge, U.K., will receive this year’s award “for a lifetime career of innova- tion through the creation of new para- digms in materials science education, characterization, applications, and de- sign for industry and sustainability.” Distinguished Life Membership was es- Zinkle tablished in 1954 and is conferred on those leaders who have devoted their time, knowledge, and abilities to the advancement of the materials industries. Gold Medal Prof. Steven J. Zinkle, FASM, UTK/ORNL Governor’s Chair Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Materials Sci- ence and Engineering Departments, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will receive this year’s award “for innovative research on microstructure/property relationships in irradiated materials, which have enabled an improved scien- tific basis of performance limits, and for developing practical design strategies for new high-perfor- mance radiation resistant materials.” The medal was estab- lished in 1943 to recognize outstanding knowledge and great versatility in the application of science to the field of materi- als science and engineering, as well as exceptional ability in the diagnosis and solution of diversified materials problems. Engineering Materials Achievement Award (EMAA) Mr. Christopher Hahin, engi- neer of Structural Materials & Bridge Investigations, Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, and Prof. Semyon Vaynman, research profes- sor, Northwestern University, Evan- ston, Ill., will receive this year’s award “for the development and commercial production of Cu-Ni-Mn High Perfor- mance Weathering Structural Steels.” Established In 1969, this award recog- nizes an outstanding achievement in materials or materials systems relat- ing to the application of knowledge of materials to an engineering structure or to the design and manufacture of a product. Simon Ashby Hahin Vaynman