
iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 4 3 iTSSe TSS stantially reduce TGO growth rate (mainly composed of Al 2 O 3 TGO monolayer). However, x-ray mapping of non-pre- heat-treated HVOF spray bond coatings after oxidation at 1000 ° C for 100 h shows the formation of Cr 2 O 3 and NiO in the TGO layer [10] . This is attributed to the existence of higher amounts of aluminumreservoir in the cold-spray bond coating for selective oxidation compared with that of the HVOF spray bond coating [10] . Nevertheless, Kuroda et al. [21] report that HVOF spray bond coatings have the lowest mass gain during oxidation. High pressure cold spray bond coatings are still in the development stage for APS top coatings and overlay coat- ings. ~iTSSe For more information: Reza Daroonparvar, senior coating engineer, ASB Industries Inc., 1031 Lambert St., Barberton, OH 44203, 330.753.8458, reza@asbindustries.com, www.asbin- dustries.com. References 1. M. Daroonparvar, M.S. Hussain, and M.A.M. Yajid, The Role of Formation of Continuous Thermally Grown Oxide Layer on the Nanostructured NiCrAlY Bond Coat During Thermal Exposure in Air, Appl. Surf. Sci., 261, p 287-297, 2012. 2. M. Daroonparvar, et al., Formation of a Dense and Continuous Al 2 O 3 Layer in Nano Thermal Barrier Coating Systems for the Suppression of Spinel Growth on the Al 2 O 3 Oxide Scale During Oxidation, J. Alloys and Compounds, 571, p 205-220, 2013. 3. W.R. Chen, et al., Modification of Oxide Layer in Plas- ma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings, Surf. & Coat. Tech- nol., 200, p 5863-5868, 2006. 4. M. Daroonparvar, Effects of Bond Coat and Top Coat (including Nano Zones) Structures on Morphology and Type of Formed Transient Stage Oxides at Pre-Heat Treated Nano NiCrAlY/Nano ZrO 2 -8%Y 2 O 3 Interface during Oxidation, J. Rare Earths, 33, p 983-994, 2015. 5. A.C. Fox and T.W. Clyne, Oxygen Transport by Gas Per- meation through the Zirconia Layer in Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings, Surf. & Coat. Technol., 184, p 311-321, 2004. 6. W.R. Chen, et al., Modification of Oxide Layer in Plas- ma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings, Surf. & Coat. Tech- nol., 200, p 5863-5868, 2006. 7. D.B. Lee, J.H. Ko, and J.H. Yi, Characterization of Oxide Scales Formed on High-Velocity Oxyfuel-Sprayed Ni-Co-Cr- Al-Y+ReTa Coatings, J. Therm. Spray Technol . , 14, p 315-320, 2005. 8. H.E. Evans and M.P. Taylor, Diffusion Cells and Chemical Failure of MCrAlY Bond Coats In Thermal Barrier Coating Systems, Oxidation of Metals, 55, p 17-34, 2001. 9. J. Toscano, Influence of Composition and Processing on the Oxidation Behavior of MCrAlY Coatings for TBC Appli- cations, Reihe Energie & Umwelt/Energy & Environment, Vol 28, ISSN 1866-1793, 2009. 10. P. Richer, et al., Oxidation Behavior of CoNiCrAlY Bond Coats Produced By Plasma, HVOF and Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying, Surf. & Coat. Technol., 204, p 3962-3974, 2010. 11. M. Daroonparvar, et al., Effect of Y 2 O 3 Stabilized ZrO 2 Coating with Tri-Model Structure on Bi-Layered Thermal- ly Grown Oxide Evolution in Nano Thermal Barrier Coating Systems at Elevated Temperatures, J. Rare Earths , 32, p 57-77, 2014. 12. M. Daroonparvar, et al., Improvement of Thermally Grown Oxide Layer in Thermal Barrier Coating Systems with Nano Alumina as Third Layer, Trans. Nonferrous Metals Soc. of China , 23, p 1322-1333, 2013. 13. P. Song, et al., Effect of Oxygen Content in NiCoCrAlY Bond Coat on the Lifetime of EB-PVD and APS Thermal Bar- rier Coatings, Surf. & Coat. Technol., 221, p 207-213, 2013. 14. A. Gil, et al. , Y-Rich Oxide Distribution in Plasma Sprayed MCrAlY-Coatings Studied by SEM with a Cathodo- luminescence Detector and Raman Spectroscopy, Surf. & Coat. Technol ., 204, p 531-538, 2009. 15. T. Mori, et al., Effects of Initial Oxidation on β Phase Depletion and Oxidation of CoNiCrAlY Bond Coatings Fab- ricated by Warm Spray and HVOF Processes, Surf. & Coat. Technol ., 221, p 59-69, 2013. 16. G.-J. Yang, et al., Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of NiCoCrAlTaY Coating Deposited by High Velocity Air-Fuel Spraying, J. Therm. Spray Technol ., 21, p 391-399, 2012. 17. H. Mei, Y. Liu, and L. Cheng, Comparison of Oxidation Resistance of NiCoCrAlTaY-Coated and Uncoated Mar-M247 Superalloys in the Air at 1150°C, J. Matls. Sci ., 47, p 2278- 2283, 2012. 18. Y. Han, et.al., Microstructural Evolution of NiCoCrAlHfSi and NiCoCrAlTaY Coatings Deposited by AC-HVAF and APS, J. Therm. Spray Technol., 26, p 1758-1775, 2017. 19. G. Mauer, et al., Impact of Processing Conditions and Feedstock Characteristics on Thermally Sprayed MCrAlY Bondcoat Properties, Surf. & Coat. Technol., 318, p 114-121, 2017. 20. H. Assadi, et al., Cold Spraying − A Materials Perspec- tive, Acta Materialia, 116, p 382-407, 2016. 21. T.M.S. Kuroda, et al., Effects of Initial Oxidation on β phase Depletion and Oxidation of CoNiCrAlY Bond Coatings Fabricated by Warm Spray and HVOF Processes, Surf. & Coat. Technol ., 221, p 59-69, 2013. FEATURE 9