
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 3 8 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS SOCIETY NEWS its merits for scientific and engineering content, original- ity, and presentation style. The JTST Editorial Board and the ASM Thermal Spray Society Executive Board of Directors ex- tend their congratulations to the winning authors: Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Volume 26 Best Paper Award “Super-Hydrophobic Surface Prepared by Lanthanide Oxide Ceramic Deposition through PS-PVDProcess” by Cheng- Xin Li, Jie Li, Qing-Yu Chen, Jiu-Tao Gao, Jun Wang, Guan-Jun Yang, and Chang-Jiu Li, State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, School of Materials Science and Engi- neering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. The second paper is “Numerical Study of Suspension Plasma Spraying” by Amirsaman Farrokhpanah and Javad Mostaghimi, mechanical and industrial engineering depart- ment, University of Toronto; and Thomas W. Coyle, materials science and engineering, University of Toronto. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Volume 26 Honorable Mention Award Two papers tied for the Honorable Mention Award. The first paper is “Effect of Suspension Plasma-Sprayed YSZ Columnar Microstructure and Bond Coat Surface Preparation on Thermal Barrier Coating Properties” by Benjamin Bernard, Safran Tech, Plateforme Aubes de Turbines Avancées; Aurélie Quet, CEA-DAM, Le Ripault; Luc Bianchi and Aurélien Joulia, Safran Tech, Pôle Matériaux et Procédés; Vincent Schick and Benjamin Rémy, LEMTA Université de Lorraine; and André Malié, Safran Aircraft Engines. The JTST Volume 26 Best Paper Award was presented to Cheng- Xin Li, right, of Xi’an Jiaotong Unviersity. Armelle Vardelle, JTST editor-in-chief, presented the award. A JTST Volume 26 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention was presented to Aurélie Quet, right. André McDonald, JTST lead editor, presented the award. ITSC 2018 IS AN INTERNATIONAL SUCCESS Repeating a winning formula, ITSC 2018 once again co- located with AeroMat for a successful mega-event in Orlando in May. With more than 1500 in attendance, over 500 technical presentations, 140 booths, and five keynotes, the picturesque Gaylord Palms Resort was hopping. A joint symposium on ad- vanced coatings for aerospace, specialized forums on additive manufacturing, and crowd-pleasing networking events pro- vided attendees with access to technical information and con- tacts from the thermal spray and aerospace industries. A JTST Volume 26 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention was presented to Thomas W. Coyle, right, of the University of Toronto. Armelle Vardelle, JTST editor-in-chief, presented the award. This year’s ITSC Best Paper Award winner is Bo Song, University of Nottingham, U.K., for his paper “Hydrophobicity of Suspension HVOF Sprayed Rare Earth Oxide Ceramic Coatings.” 4