
iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 3 7 iTSSe TSS 3 SOCIETY NEWS ASM THERMAL SPRAY SOCIETY AWARDEES HONORED AT ITSC 2018 During the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) in Orlando, Florida, several Thermal Spray Society awards were presented during ceremonies on May 7 and 8. Hall of Fame Awardees An industry leader and a professor in thermal spray technologywere inducted into the Thermal Spray Hall of Fame (HoF) at ITSC. Congratulations to the 2018 inductees: William J. Lenling, FASM, is cofounder (1992) and CTO of TST Engineered Coatings, Sun Prairie, Wis., which engineers and manufactures industrial coatings and coated compo- nents. His work has resulted in many technical successes and helped TST become a leader in thermal spray innovation. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in metallurgical engi- neering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering (1985 and 1986). The university awarded him the Distinguished Achievement Award in 2009. Lenling has served as past secretary of the TSS Board. He has also served on oth- er ASM committees and is a past trustee of the ASM Board. He was recently named TSS vice president for 2018-2020. He is cited “for sustained achievements in entrepreneur- ial advances of thermal spray processes andproven leadership in establishing state-of-the-art production processes and high value, in situ quality monitoring manufacturing practices.” TSS Board of Directors and was president of the Japan Ther- mal Spray Society. Fukumoto is recognized “for significant contributions to the development of thermal spray technology through inno- vative research, published papers, and leadership in TSS and Asian thermal spray societies.” William Lenling, left, receives his TSS Hall of Fame plaque from Doug Puerta, TSS president. Masahiro Fukumoto, FASM, is a professor of mechan- ical engineering at Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan, where he began his career in 1984. His research in- cludes surface modification including thermal spray, cold spray, and aerosol deposition, and bulk welding. Fukumoto earned a master’s degree (1980) and a Ph.D. (1983) in engineering from Keio University, Japan. He also spent a year as a visiting researcher at the University of Sher- brooke in Canada. He has published 200 academic papers, 200 proceedings on international conferences, 21 patents, and supervised hundreds of students. He has also served on the Masahiro Fukumoto, right, receives his TSS Hall of Fame plaque fromDoug Puerta, TSS president. TSS President’s Award Raymond J. Sinatra received the 2018 TSS President’s Award for Meritorious Service. The award was established in 1996 to recognize individuals for significant service to TSS. Sinatra is retired senior specialist, surface technology, at Rolls- Royce Corp. in Indianapolis. Sinatra served on the TSS Accepted Practices Committee in various capacities—chair, member, and mentor—spanning 2006-2018. Hewas also amember of the TSS Training Commit- tee from2007-2010 and served on the TSS Board for two terms from 2003-2009. Ray Sinatra, right, receives the TSS President’s Award from Doug Puerta, TSS president. JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 26 BEST PAPER AWARDS The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology ( JTST ) present- ed the JTST Volume 26 Best Paper Awards at the International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition 2018 in Orlando, Flo- rida. Winners were chosen by an international commit- tee of judges. Each paper was reviewed and evaluated on