
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 2 4 Selected References 1. G.D. Smith, From Monopoly to Competition, p 221 and 243, Cambridge University Press, 1988. 2. W.S. Peterson and R.E. Miller, Cast Shop Technology and Reclamation: 100 Years of Progress, Hall-Heroult Centennial: First Century of Aluminum Process Technology 1886-1996, TMS, 2002. 3. E.H. Dix, Jr., W.A. Anderson, and M.B. Shumaker, Technical Paper No. 14, Development of Wrought Aluminum- Magnesium Alloys, Alcoa, Pittsburgh, 1958. 4. EPA Report #460/3-73-006a, Pas- senger Car Weight Trend Analysis, Vol 1, Executive Summary, U.S. EPA, Ann Arbor, MI, January 1974. 5. K.F. Glaser and G.K. Johnson, Construction Experience on Aluminum Experimental Body, SAE Technical Pub- lication 740075, Society of Automotive Engineers, New York, NY, presented at Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Feb 25-March 1, 1974. 6. W.C. Weltman and E.W. Miguelucci, Alcoa, Application Engineering Division Green Letter, Body Sheet Alloys, December 1972. 7. W.A. Anderson, R.D. Blackburn, and B.S. Shabel, SAE Technical Publication 740077, Development of Aluminum Alloys for Body Sheet, Society of Automotive Engineers, New York, NY, presented at Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Feb 25-March 1, 1974. 8. D.S. Thompson, A Highly Formable AluminumAlloy – 5182-SSF, SAE Techni- cal Publication 770203, Society of Auto- motive Engineers, New York, NY, 1978. 9. F.R. Hoch, Joining of Aluminum Alloys 6009/6010, SAE Publication #780396, Society of Automotive Engi- neers, New York, NY, 1979. 10. C.E. Burley and B.A. Niemeier, Denting Properties of Aluminum Auto- body Components, SAE Publication #770199, Society of Automotive Engi- neers, New York, NY, International Automotive Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Feb 28-March 4, 1977. 11. F.W. Baker and M.K. McGinnis, Finishing Considerations for Aluminum Auto Body Sheet, SAE Technical Publication 740079, Society of Auto- motive Engineers, New York, NY, pre- sented at Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Feb 25-March 1, 1974. 12. R. Conrad, Draw Bead Design for Deep Profiles, SAE Technical Publica- tion 750130, Society of Automotive Engineers, New York, NY, present- ed at Automotive Engineering Con- gress, Detroit, Feb 24-28, 1975. 13. Margaret B.W. Graham and Bettye H. Pruitt, R&D for Industry – A Century of Technical Innovation at Alcoa, Cambridge University Press, 1990. 14. Q.R. Skrabec, Aluminum in America: A History, McFarland and Co., Jefferson, NC, 2017.