
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 1 6 overwhelming the engineer with poten- tially extraneous information. However, it should also be recognized that the de- velopment of more extensive data sets, as illustrated here for DIC and tensile testing, opens up opportunities for new expanded analyses. One example in- volves mapping strain distributions on sample surfaces and providing data to assess transverse as well as longitudi- nal strains. Many of the recently developed analytical tools that are becoming stan- dards for materials research are very expensive to purchase and operate. As a result, routine access to equipment is limited for many researchers. One very important opportunity for the materi- als science arena is to identify ways for all engineers and scientists to have ac- cess to advanced equipment and to be able to obtain critical data at reason- able costs. teams. In addition, the next genera- tion will also need to be knowledgeable across the spectrum of materials class- es. System optimization to meet ever more energy efficient and lean manu- facturing requirements will require si- multaneous consideration of materials across metals and alloys, composites, plastics, and ceramics. Matlock: One of the big issues for newmaterials engineers relates to their education and how it embraces the rap- idly expanding amount and availability of data. Engineers will have to wrestle with questions of “what do I need to know?” and “where can I find the infor- mation I need?” Reliance on ICME to de- velop and apply materials will continue to expand. Å gren: The importance of struc- tural materials such as steels and light alloys for engineering components will increase after years of low interest in the sci- entific community. These materials will be further developed to achieve bet- ter performance at lower cost. In addition, steel- making without CO 2 pro- duction will be necessary and new principles for “green” air engines will re- quire new materials. Hwang: With height- ened crosscutting disci- plines, future generations of materials engineers need to be more adaptable and more flexi- ble, with faster responses to change. How can advances in materials science and engineering help address humanity’s greatest challenges? Matlock: Humanity’s greatest challenges are numerous, with many related to the continued rapid increase in the world’s population, increased ur- banization (redistribution of the popu- lation between rural and urban areas), new transportation options to serve crowded cities, and new technologies to ensure inhabitants have access to clean water and food. Solutions to many of these challenges depend on the avail- ability of economic materials. Advanc- es that lead to more efficient uses of Graphene research at the City University of New York aims at producing materials that are harder than diamonds. What changes do you foresee that will impact the next generation of materials engineers? Gray: The next generation of ma- terials engineers will need to be fluent in both understanding and manipulat- ing the structure/property behavior of materials. They will also need to mod- el aspects of connecting materials pro- cessing to microstructure to properties to performance, in order to be agile and able to work in component/engineered systems design and manufacturing A molecular beam epitaxy apparatus at the University of Michigan is calibrated to characterize various semicon- ductors for use in next-generation solar cells. Courtesy of Joseph Xu. Magnetic tomography developed at Helmholtz-ZentrumDresden-Rossendorf is an important prerequisite for controlling mold injection in continuous steel casting. This research involves smart sensors for industrial process control.