
1 0 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 8 small shift in the HB-2B instrument’s measurements that correlated to the distances traveled by the neutron beam through the sample. The resulting data is expected to have a great scientific and engineering impact, validating data previously obtained from certain mate- rials on the HB-2B instrument and the accompanying peak shift corrections that have been calculated. This work will lead to improved guidelines for scientists working on beamline HB-2B who wish to measure lattice parame- ters of large samples that require signif- icant in-sample path lengths or depths. virginia.edu , ornl.gov. DISCOVERING NEW HIGH- ENTROPY ALLOYS The DOE’s Ames Laboratory, Iowa, developed a method of computational analysis that can help predict the composition and properties of as-yet unmade high performance alloys. These materials are made of multiple elements and highly prized for their simple structures, excellent mechani- cal properties over a wide temperature range, and improved oxidation or corro- sion resistance. Advancements in these materials could lead to enhanced jet engine performance and fuel efficiency, as well as other applications where mechanical parts must operate in harsh environments. Given the sheer number of possi- ble alloy composition combinations, it would be difficult for experimen- talists to know where to look for the next new high-entropy alloy. Such al- TESTING | CHARACTERIZATION AMPING UP ACCURACY OF RESIDUAL STRESS MAPPING Researchers from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, are using neu- trons to explore fundamental work in residual stress mapping that promises more precise science down the road for Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Tenn., and similar facilities around the world. Using the neutron residual stress mapping facility instrument at ORNL’s High Flux Isotope Reactor, HFIR beam- line HB-2B, researchers are able to Tescan Orsay Holding a.s. (Tescan), Czech Republic, a global supplier of electron, ion, and light microscopy systems, acquired XRE NV, Belgium, a designer and manufacturer of dynamic 3D and 4D x-ray imaging systems. Known for innovation in the field of x-ray micro-computed tomography, XRE NV delivers nondestructive imaging solutions for geoscience, materi- als, and life science in both academia and industrial R&D environments. tescan-orsay.com , www.xre.be . BRIEFS Bruker Corp., Billerica, Mass., acquired Anasys Instruments Corp., Santa Barbara, Calif., a manufacturer of nanoscale in- frared spectroscopy and thermal measurement instruments. The acquisition adds to Bruker’s portfolio of Raman and FTIR spec- trometers as well as its nanoscale surface science instruments, such as atomic force microscopy and white-light interferometric 3D microscopy. bruker.com . study residual stresses in steel, alumi- num, superalloys, and other structural materials. The research will provide insight into the accuracy of residual stress mapping measurements in such materials when the neutron beam must travel large distances through the sample. Scientists are especially curious regarding whether any instrumental artifacts are producing changes in peak position measurements that could be wrongly interpreted as stress. Those kinds of discrepancies usually appear in highly absorbing materials like ura- nium when the measurement location is deep within the material and under specific conditions in which the diffrac- tion peak shifts due to loss of the origi- nating signal. The team conducted a series of experiments exploring the nature of a John Einhorn (left) and Matt Steiner work with the neutron residual stress mapping facility instrument, beamline HB-2B, at ORNL’s High Flux Isotope Reactor.