
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 8 6 8 CEO CORNER At the AeroMat Conference coming up in May, ASM and our participating members will for- mally announce a new offer- ing—the ASM Materials Solutions Network. ASM began testing this offering in late 2017 and early 2018, and thus far has delivered high levels of quality, timeliness, and participant satisfaction. The ASM Materials Solutions Network is comprised of Client members, Provider members, and the Solutions Network Operations Team. Clients and Pro- viders must join the network in order to participate. Roles are defined as follows: • • Client member: an organization with materials-specific applied R&D needs or related process needs; typically a corporate R&D department of a very large company • • Provider member: a prequalified organization delivering products, services, and know-how relevant to Client member needs; typically owned or led by ASM members • • Solutions Network Operations Team: ASM executive staff members who provide technical help, project man- agement, contract management, financial expertise, and other assistance Client members generate requirements based on spe- cific needs, while the Operations Team helps refine those Mahoney requirements into operable projects and statements of work. Provider members respond to those requirements through a request for proposal process conducted by the Operations Team. The team then facilitates and supports the delivery of projects by the awarded Provider members to the satisfaction of Client members. Just as we work with our member network to generate, peer review, and publish high-quality technical information, our experience to date shows that the ASM Materials Solu- tions Network operates in a similar manner. The difference is that the deliverables of the Materials Solutions Network include materials products, services, and know-how, and ASMacts as thematchmaker between Clients and Providers. For Client members, the Materials Solutions Network serves as a cost-effective extension to corporate R&D capa- bility, particularly in the event of shortfalls or variability with in-house materials expertise. For Provider members, network participation has resulted in new customer rela- tionships and incremental revenues. Several early Providers have likened the network to “a Buyer’s Guide on steroids.” To learn more about participating in the ASM Materi- als Solutions Network, please contact me or Nigel Benn at nigel.benn@asminternational.org . I look forward to work- ing with you on this new ASM endeavor. William T. Mahoney, CEO, ASM International bill.mahoney@asminternational.org CEO CORNER New ASM Network Matches Clients and Providers ASM and its Affiliate Societies Seek Student Board Members We’re looking for Material Advantage student mem- bers to provide insights and ideas to ASM and its Affiliate Society Boards. We are pleased to announce the continu- ation of our successful Student Board Member programs. Each Society values the input and participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas. • • An opportunity like no other! • • All expenses to attend meetings paid for by the respec- tive Society • • Take an active role in shaping the future of your profes- sional Society • • Actively participate in your professional Society’s board meetings • • Gain leadership skills to enhance your career • • Add a unique experience to your resume • • Represent Material Advantage and speak on behalf of students • • Work with leading professionals in the field Opportunities specific to each Society: ASM International • • Attend four board meetings (July 26-28, October 14-17 during MS&T18, spring and summer 2019) • • Term begins June 1 ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society • • Attend one board meeting (fall 2019) • • Participate in three teleconferences • • Term begins in October ASM Failure Analysis Society • • Attend one board meeting (fall 2018) • • Participate in three teleconferences • • Term begins in October ASM Heat Treating Society • • Attend two board meetings (fall 2018 during Furnaces North America and spring 2019) • • Participate in two teleconferences • • Term begins in October