
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 4 2 Warren Enjoys Towing Tour Pittsburgh Hosts ASM-AWS Joint Meeting The ASM Pittsburgh Chapter invited AWS members to a joint meeting in October 2017. The evening’s speaker, Edward Patrick, FASM, presented “Overview of Alternate Aluminum Joining Options.” Patrick pointed out that alumi- num must be welded “hot and fast” in arc welding, a tra- ditional method of joining the material. But other options, e.g., flush bonding and friction stir welding, include some level of metal heating, but do not involve melting the par- ent metal. Applications such as aerospace parts and heat exchanger tubes require these alternative methods. The ASM Warren Chapter in Ohio traveled to Hermit- age, Pa., during October 2017 for a tour of the Miller Towing Equipment plant. Miller is the largest U.S. manufacturer of flatbed towing bodies that can be mounted on various size truck chassis to lengths of 30 ft. with capacities to 40,000 lb. The group was impressed with the process and organization of this modern manufacturing facility. Ontario Features Ives Lecturer Prof. Lukas Bichler of the University of British Colum- bia is the 2016-17 ASM Canada Council (ASMCC) M. Brian Ives Lecturer. He spoke on “A Multi-Process Approach Towards Manufacturing High-Performance Magnesium Alloy Parts” at the ASM Ontario Chapter Canada Council Night in November 2017. The ASMCC Lecturer is the ASM ambassador enhancing communication between the chap- ters and also between ASMCC and the chapters, highlighting best practices. From left: Lukas Bichler, Abdallah Elsayed, ASM Past President Ravi Ravindran, FASM, Alexander McLean, FASM, ASMCC Past Chair Richard Blackwell, FASM, Daniel Galbraith, and Daniel Bertrand. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Anderson Wins MPIF Paper Award Iver Anderson, FASM, Ames Lab- oratory, Iowa State University, co-au- thored a paper selected as winner of the Metal Powder Industries Founda- tion’s (MPIF) 2017 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award. Ames and co-authors Charles Czahor, Trevor Riedemann, and Alan Russell will be recognized during the Industry Luncheon at POWDERMET2018 in San Antonio in June. Their winning paper, “Deformation Pro- cessed Al/Al 2 Ca Nano-filamentary Composite Conductors,” is available for download on the MPIF website. Speaker Edward Patrick receives a memento from ASM Pittsburgh Chapter Chair Nate Eisinger. Anderson  CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS