
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 4 1 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Northwestern PA Hosts Student Nights The ASM Northwestern Pennsylvania Chapter held two successful student nights last fall, one at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, and another at Gannon University. The Penn State event featured Phyllis Kuhn, president of the Lake Erie Research Institute. Her talk, “Unique Applications in a Clinical and Community Setting,” discussed the materi- als used to inhibit microbe growth. The Gannon University student night featured Sabiruddin Mirza, senior research associate at the School of Engineering & Applied Science at Harvard University. His talk, “Droplet-Based Microfluid- ics: An Advanced Platform for Pharmaceutical Formulation Development and Nanomedicine Fabrication,” highlighted the use of droplet based technology in the challenging areas of development, including early stage formulations, protein formulations, and nanomedicine. Beginning third from left, officers pictured include founding chair Eli Vandersluis, secretary Bernoulli Andilab, ambassa- dor Nicholas Prabaharan, vice chair Payam Emadi, and trea- surer Zhi Li. The MA Ryerson Chapter was inaugurated on August 17, 2017. The mechanical and industrial engineer- ing chair, Jake Friedman, is the patron and Ravi Ravindran, FASM, is the faculty advisor. Conference Caps Pune’s Silver Jubilee Sabiruddin Mirza answers questions during the student night at Gannon University. MA Ryerson Visits National Resources Canada The first field trip of the Material Advantage (MA) Ryerson Chapter in Ontario was to the National Resources Canada CanmetMATERIALS Laboratory in November 2017. During its Silver Jubilee year, the ASM Pune Chapter conducted an International Conference and Exhibition on Materials and Manufacturing Technology with a focus on automotive dies in November 2017 at the Hotel Orchid in Pune, India. The event drew 90 delegates to hear 16 pre- sentations by renowned Indian and international speak- ers. Over 200 students were among the attendees. As chief guest, Kamachi Mudali, FASM, chairman and chief executive of Heavy Water Board, Department of Atomic Energy, Gov- ernment of India, spoke about metallurgy in early India. T.S. Sudarshan, FASM, president and CEO of Materials Modifi- cation Inc., delivered a talk entitled “Emulate to Innovate,” outlining how nature can be adopted for the development of new products.