HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 3 9 NEW EDFAS AWARDS EDFAS Lifetime Achievement Award The EDFAS Lifetime Achievement Award was estab- lished by the EDFAS Board of Directors to recognize lead- ers in the EDFAS community who have devoted their time, knowledge, and abilities toward the advancement of the electronic device failure analysis industry. EDFAS President’s Award The EDFAS President’s Award recognizes exceptional service to EDFAS and the electronic device failure analy- sis community. Examples of such service include commit- tee service, service on the Board of Directors, organization of conferences or symposia, development of education courses, and student and general public outreach. While any member of EDFAS is expected to further the Society’s goals through service, this award recognizes those who pro- vide an exceptional amount of effort in their service to the Society. For complete rules and nomination forms, visit the EDFAS website at asminternational.org/web/edfas/soci- etyawards; or contact Mary Anne Jerson at 440.338.5151 ext. 5539, maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org . Nomination deadline for both awards is March 1. Launch of India Task Force ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies Society • • Attend one board meeting (fall 2018) • • Participate in three teleconferences • • Term begins in October ASM Thermal Spray Society • • Attend one board meeting (fall 2018) • • Participate in two teleconferences • • Receive a one-year complimentary membership in Material Advantage • • Term begins in October Application deadline is April 1. To view the com- plete form and rules, visit asminternational.org/student- board-member-programs. Student Papers Sought for ASM HTS/ Bodycote ‘Best Paper in Heat Treating’ Contest The ASM Heat Treating Society established the Best Paper in Heat Treating Award in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a substantial way, or represents a clear advancement in managing the business of heat treating. The award, endowed by Bodycote Thermal Pro- cess-North America, is open to all full-time or part-time students enrolled at universities (or their equivalent) or colleges. Students who graduated within the past three years and whose paper describes work completed while an undergraduate or post graduate student are also eligible. The winner will receive a plaque and a check for $2500. To view rules for eligibility and paper submission, visit the HTS website at hts.asminternational.org . Paper sub- mission deadline is March 1. SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR NEW EDFAS AWARDS The Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society (EDFAS) is seeking nominations for two awards to recognize the accomplishments of its members. The awards are given annually, with the first presentations made at ISTFA 2017. Nominate a worthy colleague today! Past presidents, past and present trustees, and ASM leadership joined together for the ASM-BOT India Task Force Kick-off and Information Meeting held at MS&T17 in Pitts- burgh on October. 9, 2017. Pictured seated are (left to right): Jack Simon, FASM, Ash Khare, FASM, William Frazier, FASM, Prem Aurora, and George Vander Voort, FASM. Standing are (left to right) Frederick Schmidt, FASM, Bill Mahoney, Kishor Kulkarni, FASM, David Furrer, FASM, T.S. Sudarshan, FASM, Task Force Chair Ravi Ravindran, FASM, Jon Tirpak, FASM, and Rick Blackwell, FASM. This task force will examinemem- ber needs and explore growth opportunities throughout India.
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