HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 3 6 SMST Announces New Officers and Board Members In accordance with their Rules of Governance, the ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Super- elastic Technologies (SMST) announces the appointment of new board members whose terms began October 2017. Jer- emy Schaffer, senior engineer, Fort Wayne Metals, and president of SMST, announced the reappointment of Samantha Daly, associate professor, University of California, Santa Barbara and Alan Pelton, FASM, chief technical officer, G. Rau Inc., to a two-year term. Julianna Abel, Benjamin Mayhugh assistant professor, University of Minnesota, Parikshith K. Kumar, metal- lurgical associate, W.L. Gore & Associates Inc., and Adrian McMahon, senior R&D engineer, Boston Scientific Structural Heart, were appointed to three-year terms. Ashley Bucsek, graduate student, Colorado School of Mines, was appointed student board member for one year. CEO CORNER Year Two of the ASM Renewal Begins As I write this column, ASM is entering December 2017 with a very strong closing run for the year. Compared with 2016, we have grown our revenues by 16%, maintained our membership levels by focusing on lapsed renewals, improved our net revenues by over 50%, delivered four of the six baseline systems of our Digital Transformation, and improved our support for the ASM Foundation, among many other accomplishments large and small. Growing up on a chicken farm, my dad used to say, “Yesterday’s home run does not count in today’s ballgame!” So in that spirit, I would like to point out new developments for 2018 that you may anticipate, as well as help with, as year two of the three-year ASM Renewal rolls forward. The Digital Transformation remains the primary invest- ment of the ASM Renewal in 2018. Two additional baseline systems, our new association management system (AMS) and our very first content management system (CMS), will become operational. The AMS will go live in Q1, and the CMS will go live in Q4. After these new systems launch, we will be asking you to access and exercise these systems, and give us feedback. The secondary, and in many ways more important, phases of the Digital Transformation will commence in 2018 and extend through 2019. These will focus on re-engineer- ing ASM content to ultimately render it fully discoverable, searchable, accessible, and interoperable over the internet. CEO CORNER Abel Bucsek Kumar McMahon Pelton Daly Schaffer In order to achieve this out- come, we will need your help to truly understand not only how you currently use ASM content, but also how you would like to use the content available through ASM systems in the future. We will not only utilize existing committees, but also ad hoc focus groups to develop use cases for ASM con- tent, which match characteristic workflows for engineers, scientists, and technicians. These workflows will not be limited to materials scientists, but will encompass design, analysis, product development, support, quality, and other disciplines across the materials application value chain. If you would like to contribute your insights and pref- erences to our content re-engineering endeavor and play a key role in completing the Digital Transformation integral to the ASM Renewal, please let me know. I look forward to working with you. William T. Mahoney, CEO, ASM International bill.mahoney@asminternational.org Mahoney
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