
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 3 5 ASM Seeks Vice President and Board of Trustees Nominations ASM is seeking nominations for the position of vice president as well as three trustees. The Society’s 2018 vice president and trustee elects will serve as a voice for the membership and will shape ASM’s future through imple- mentation of the ASM Strategic Plan. Qualifications: Members must have a well-rounded understanding of the broad activities and objectives of ASM on a local, Society, and international level, and the issues and opportunities that ASMwill face over the next few years. Further, they must also have a general appreciation for international trends in the engineered materials industry. Duties: The duties of board members include vari- ous assignments between regular meetings. Trustees also assume the responsibility of making Chapter visits and serving as a board liaison to ASM’s various committees and councils. Guidelines: Nominees for vice president must have previously served on the ASM Board and those selected to serve as trustees should be capable of someday assuming the ASM presidency. Deadline for nominations is March 15. For more infor- mation, visit asminternational.org/vp-board-nominations or contact Leslie Taylor, leslie.taylor@asminternational.org or 440.338.5151 ext. 5500. ASM Seeks Candidates for Treasurer After serving four years in the role of treasurer of ASM International, Craig D. Clauser, FASM, will step down in Octo- ber. Consequently, the Society is now seeking candidates for this position. The treasurer is an officer of the Board of Trustees and chairs the Finance Committee. The treasurer is also a member of the Investment Committee and chair of the Audit Committee. The commitment involves travel to meetings at least three times per year and participation in numerous telephone conferences. The treasurer works closely with ASM’s CFO and the financial staff at the Dome, who provide ample support by explaining the Society’s accounting practices, researching historical data, preparing meeting agendas, and more. ASM bylaws only state that the treasurer must be a member of the Society. Additionally, it is recommended that the treasurer have a good understanding of finance and accounting and also some profit and loss responsibility in a company or organization. Prior experience in the volunteer leadership of ASM is also helpful, along with dedication to the Society and a passion for ASM. The treasurer is nominated by a three-person Nominat- ing Committee for Treasurer created at the Board of Trust- ees’ spring meeting. The committee reviews candidates and presents their nominee for approval by the board. This com- mittee is specifically convened to select a treasurer and is separate from the Nominating Committee for vice president and trustees. Although the treasurer is officially appointed for a one-year term, reappointment for multiple years is typ- ical. Planning on a three-year term or longer is reasonable. For more information or to be considered for this posi- tion, contact either ASM Treasurer Craig Clauser at cclaus- er-cceci@comcast.net or ASM President Fred Schmidt at drfeschmidtpe@gmail.com . Applicants should include a short letter explaining why they would like to serve as trea- surer along with a resume. All requests for consideration should be received no later than April 30. Heat Treat 2017 Achieves Success The ASM Heat Treating Society’s 29th Annual Confer- ence and Exposition took place in late October 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. The successful three-day event, co-located with the American Gear Manufacturers Association’s Gear Expo, attracted nearly 6000 heat treating and gear professionals, including an equipment exhibition featuring 190 companies in 318 booths. The show featured top-notch technical programming, live equipment demonstrations on the show floor, and a “Taste of Columbus” social event featuring The Ohio State University’s pep band. The technical program included more than 100 oral and poster presentations with keynote addresses by Paul Boris, Rob Ivester, and John Rogers, representing GE Digi- tal Energy, the DOE, and Local Motors, respectively. Three special plenary sessions paid tribute to past leaders in heat treating and HTS: George Bodeen, George Pfaffmann, and Fred Specht. New initiatives this year on the expo floor included five education courses and a VIP Guided Industrial Tour. Over 150 high school students participated in the ASM Materials Education Foundation “Mini Materials Camp” on the show floor, and college students took part in a special “This is Heat Treat” student program. Heat Treat 2019 will take place in Detroit on October 15-17, 2019. To reserve exhibit space, contact Erik Klinger- man at exposales@asminternational.org or 440.338.5151 ext. 5574. NOMINATIONS AND CANDIDATES Heat Treat 2017 attendees enjoyed a festive “Taste of Columbus” networking event at the city’s famous North Market.