
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 3 1 I t is my honor and privilege to introduce ASM International’s new president, Dr. Fred “Mur Doc” Schmidt, FASM. I have known Fred for over 30 years and have workedwith himonmany important ASM assignments, so I can tell you a lot about our new leader. I have observed over the years how Fred conducts his business. First of all, he demonstrates his Christian faith in all that he does. If he gives you his word that he will do something, you can take it to the bank. If I had to pick one person to share a foxhole with in war- time, it would be Fred Schmidt. He is a devoted family man and has been married to his lovely wife, Phyllis, for more than 47 years. Phyllis would tell you what a great husband and father he is. Those of us who have worked in the trenches with Fred on ASM committees or on materials pro- cessing, design, and process control is- sues in industry would simply say, “He knows his stuff.” One thing is sure, Fred leads by ex- ample. He is a good listener and knows the power of collaboration and team- work. One can see that hismilitary train- ing has taught him not to flee from problems but to break them down into smaller elements that can be resolved. Soon the entire problem or challenge is overcome. ASM members can count on Fred to never give up. He will work diligently with the ASM staff and mem- bership to make ASM great again. Fred has the rare ability to motivate those around him while also building con- sensus to advance the mission. He also values the special role of ASM Chapters and he has been active in the Brandy- wine Valley, Chicago, and Drexel Chap- ters his entire life. He believes that ASM Chapters allow members to grow and expand their area of expertise while at the same time broadening their profes- sional contacts. 2017-2018 PRESIDENT OF ASM INTERNATIONAL FRED E. SCHMIDT, JR. Jack G. Simon, FASM, 1994 ASM President Fred and Phyllis Schmidt. SERVICE TO ASM AND THE MATERIALS COMMUNITY Fred and I first met as members of the ASM National Technical Divisions Board more than 30 years ago. During this time, we also served on the ASMMaterials Education Foundation Board. Fred became a champion of the ASMMaterials Camp in Chi- cago and elsewhere. However, when he became vice president and trustee of Alpha Sigma Mu, the international professional honor society for materials science and engineering, I learned what a passionate leader and motivator he was. I chaired this Society and helped mentor Fred to become its future leader. And lead he did! Fred’s six years as chairman of the board of this Society have been outstanding. Alpha Sigma Mu has grown in prominence with global representation of the entire materials science and engineering community. Fred has been very active and supportive of the Chicago Regional Chapter, Wilmington Chapter, Mohawk Valley Chapter, and the Drexel University Student Chapter. Fred’s ASM awards include the Allan Ray Putnam Service Award, MEI Instructor of Merit, ASM Fellow, William Hunt Eisen- man Award, Albert Sauveur Achievement Award and Distinguished Lectureship, in addition to Distinguished Life Membership, and Fellow of Alpha Sigma Mu. Fred is also a recipient of the Alumni Leadership Award from Drexel University and is a regis- tered Professional Engineer (PE) in nine states.