A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 8 3 0 CONCLUSION This short review indicates that many microstructural characterization techniques that can be applied to other materials also can be used to examine ice. There are challenges in maintain- ing the integrity of the material during transport from remote regions and during examination, but these can be largely overcome. Two areas where fur- ther developments would prove use- ful are the ability to routinely examine dislocation arrangements at higher dis- location densities by, for example, elec- tron channeling contrast imaging in an SEM, and the ability to quantify the chemistry of impurities along with their spatial location by using synchrotron nanotomography and fluorescence. ~AM&P For more information: Ian Baker is the Sherman Fairchild Professor of En- gineering and Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Thayer School of En- gineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, 603.646.2184, ian.baker@ dartmouth.edu, www.dartmouth.edu . Acknowledgments This work is currently supported by U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) grant OPP-1743106 and has been supported previously by several NSF and Army Research Office grants. The author would also like to thank Prof. R.W. Obbard and Dr. S. Chen for their in- valuable comments on this paper. References 1. A. Higashi, Physics of Ice, Plenum Press: New York, p 197, 1969. 2. L.A. Wilen, C.L. Diprinzio, R.B. Alley, andN. Azuma, Development, Principles, and Applications of Automated Ice Fabric Analyzers, Microsc. Res. Tech., Vol 62, p 2-18, 2003. 3. R.W. Obbard, G. Troderman, and I. Baker, Imaging Brine and Air Inclusion in Sea Ice Using Micro-X-ray Computed Tomography, Journal of Glaciology, Vol 55, p 1113-1115, 2009. 4. R.M. Lieb-Lappen, E.J. Golden, and R.W. Obbard, Metrics for Interpreting the Microstructure of Sea Ice Using Micro-Computed Tomography, Cold Regions Research and Technology, p 24- 37, 2017. 5. R.W. Obbard, X-ray Computed Microtomography of Sea Ice, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., Vol 15, p 13167- 13171, 2015. 6. J.D. Cross, Scanning Electron Microscopy of Evaporating Ice, Science, Vol 164 (3876), p 174-175. DOI: 10.1126/ science.164.3876.174, 1969. 7. E.M. Schulson, et al., Fractography of Ice, J. Mater. Sci. Lett., Vol 8, p 1193- 1194, 1989. 8. R. Mulvaney, E.W. Wolff, and K. Oates, Sulphuric Acid at Grain Boun- daries in Antarctic Ice, Nature, Vol 331, p 247, 1988. 9. D. Cullen and I. Baker, The Chem- istry of Grain Boundaries in Greenland Ice, Journal of Glaciology, Vol 46, p 703- 706, 2000. 10. M. de Angelis, et al., Brine Micro- Droplets and Solid Inclusions in Accre- ted Ice from Lake Vostok (East Antarctica), Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol 32 (L12501), p 1-4, 2005. 11. R.W. Obbard, et al., Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Salts in Natural Sea Ice, Earth and Space Science, DOI:10.1002/2016EA000172, 2016. 12. D. Iliescu, I. Baker, and H. Chang, Determining the Orientations of Ice Crystals using Electron Backscatter Patterns, Microsc. Res. Tech., Vol 63, p 183-187, 2004. 13. R. Obbard, I. Baker, and K. Sieg, Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns to Examine Recrystallization in Polar Ice Sheets, Journal of Glaciology, Vol 52, p 546-557, 2006. 14. R. Obbard and I. Baker, The Mi- crostructureofMeteoric Ice fromVostok, Antarctica, Journal of Glaciology, Vol 53, p 41-62, 2007. 15. P.N.T. Unwin and J. Muguruma, Electron Microscope Observations on the Defect Structure of Ice, Physica Status Solidi A, Vol 14, p 207-216, 1972. 16. A.H. Falls, et al., A Transmission ElectronMicroscopyStudyof Hexagonal Ice, J. Mater. Sci., Vol 18, p 2752-2764, 1983. 17. J. Muguruma, Electron Microscope Study of Etched Ice Surface, J. Electron. Microsc., Vol 10, p 246-250, 1961. 18. A.S. Krausz and L.W. Gold, Surface Features Observed During Thermal Etching in Ice, J. Colloid. Interface Sci., Vol 25, p 255-262, 1967. 19. S. Ahmad, M. Ohtomo, and R.W. Whitworth, Observation of a Dislocation Source in Ice by Synchrotron Radiation Topography, Nature, Vol 319, p 659-660, 1986. 20. A. Fukuda and A. Higashi, X-ray Diffraction Topographic Studies of Dis- locations in Large Natural Ice Crystals, Japanese J. Appl. Phys., Vol 8, p 993-999, 1969b. 21. A. Fukuda and H. Shoji, Lattice Defects in Ice Crystals, Ed: A. Higashi, Hokkaido University Press: Sapporo, Japan, p 13-25, 1988. 22. I. Baker and D. Cullen, The Structure and Chemistry of 94m GISP2 Ice, Ann. Glaciol., Vol 35, p 224-230, 2003. 23. M. Montagnat, et al., Lattice Distortion in Ice Crystals from the Vostok Core (Antarctica) Revealed by Hard X-ray Diffraction; Implication in the Deformation of Ice at Low Stresses, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., Vol 214, p 369- 378, 2003. 24. S. Piazolo, M. Montagnat, and J.R. Blackford, Sub-structure Charac- terization of Experimentally and Natu- rally Deformed Ice Using Cryo-EBSD, J. Microsc., Vol 230, p 509-519, 2008.
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